When run over by a van you are, be as cranky, you will.
When run over by a van you are, be as cranky, you will.
You're not alone. I was wondering why they didn't talk about Men in Black or Dogma. They've got that same curly lip thing.
He's definitely missing the point of the movie. Room 237 isn't about The Shining, it's about crazy people who've seen The Shining. I watched the whole stupid thing, and here's my unsolicited synopsis:
There's no use arguing with Bill Haters.
Hmm…for some reason I misread this as Michael Shannon is developing a Sci-Fi Comedy for FX.
I've seen The Exorcist about 167 times, and IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER. EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT.
Any previous instances of "gay kissing" has come from either adult animation like Venture Bros., or anime. However, American's children's cartoons have apparently never shown an openly gay couple. They have shown unsolicited nonconsensual advances played for laughs for years, which—despite being infinitely more…
When Friends came out, I remember thinking Ross reminded me of the kid with the shield (voiced by Donny Most!)
And Strong Bad and Homestar both pausing to tell The Stick that they hate it.
Also, you can just "command+" until it fills the screen. That's the beauty of vector art. Upscale it all you want.
Or his pile of whatsit.
I'm going with the full-blown 80s awesomeness of Jibblies 2.
You got:
Nikolia Volkoff (Strong Mad)
Beetlejuice (Strong Bad)
The Far Side kid (Strong Sad)
Prince (Marzipan)
Penfold from Danger Mouse (The Cheat)
Future Doc Brown (The Poopsmith)
Al Sharpton (The King of Town)
The Worm from Busytown (The Stick!)
the Sesame Street…
Yeah, but when you hear it with "Hey kid, you wanna smoke some candy?" you get that it's…words used incorrectly? I don't know, whatever that Star Wars Character thing from earlier was. I just know I likes it.
Homsar is always an easter egg in Halloween toons. Click the Poopsmith's shovel.
I love that a guy with wenis mudflaps and eyes on his goddamn hands is identified by his paleness.
I quite like that the Flash animation allows for easter eggs. (wait til The Archmage of Aether sees Homsar!) I quite dislike that there's no pause button.
I'm stuck with a Macbook running OS 10.5.8, meaning the only browser
that will run for me is an outdated Firefox that Disqus frequently
crashes, but for me the HR loadscreen was like three seconds. Can we
really not wait 3 seconds anymore?
But with Bugs and Elmer, it wasn't consensual, which makes it funny.
Yeah, I had to look Mean Machine Angel up. But I was shocked-SHOCKED to learn my wife didn't know who Mac Tonight is. He was in 29 commercials, according to the McDonalds Wiki that exists for reasons like this.
How did he leave that blue handprint if he doesn't have any hands?