
Of course he's lying! Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist was more believable than Kenny Powers, PhD.

Q'Shondra's a man?
Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!

Martin Sheen. You know, Joe Estavez' brother?

M Night Shyamalan's name is Bill? What a twist!

Bob is just Bob. He's too small to be a 'Dog.

I had to look him up. And not because I think all big black guys look alike, I don't remember the name of Carol's shitty husband, either. Earl? Wayne? Something like that.

Remember the guy that was after T-Dog but before Tyreese? I wanna say Wilt maybe?

In reality, there wouldn't be any zombies.

Dug this up from the season finale. Called it. (Except for the badass Carol parts).

He very obviously did not kill the guy. Not just because we didn't see a body, but because the entire episode he said he wasn't going to. So what's more likely, that he suddenly changed his mind, or that he knew Carol would go in and finish they guy off if she knew he was still alive? Plus it's much more satisfying

When Rick ran to Judith, I was hoping he'd push her aside and hug Tyreese.
"I missed you, T-Dog."
"I keep telling you I'm not T-Dog, man."

An English-born Indian can play an Iraqi torturer, and a half-Indian American can play a Palestinian college student, but an Iranian American as an Indian American? That offends my delicate sensibilities!

I'm imagining Reed opening up a secret vault and saying "What are we going to do with literally a ton of ISIS merchandise?"

They also didn't take into account today's shitty headphones ALWAYS go out in one ear, so half the song is missing.

Then the mouse would shrug it's shoulders and say "Eh, it's a living."

I too liked the movies. It's just…confusing that they adapted a picture book, and completely changed not only the story, but the art style.

You know when she's falling, and the "helping hands" ask which way she wants to go, and she says "down?" Hmm…

I used to think Joe Don Baker was the father from Gremlins, but I found out that was Hoyt Axton, who wrote the theme song to Mitchell. Weird.

I hope they do Malta next. Joe Don Baker in Goosio has Fallen

It was pretty quiet for an hour, I went to the bathroom, but then you commented about two minutes ago. And then I did.