I remember watching to "Making of" special on TV long before it showed up as a DVD special feature. And I've got Brian Froud's Goblin Companion book. So the name stuck out when I saw this article a few months ago:
I remember watching to "Making of" special on TV long before it showed up as a DVD special feature. And I've got Brian Froud's Goblin Companion book. So the name stuck out when I saw this article a few months ago:
If they did a song about the original Star Wars trilogy being a Palpatine-age wasteland, would it be called Boba O'Riley or Jabba O'Riley?
I know a guy, his name is Zack, he loves to build, he loves to stack. Yes construction is his knack, he's Zack the Lego maniac. Zack, Zack, he's a Lego maniac.
Hollywood loves a good comeback story. Or a gritty reboot.
my dad was born in '48. Here's a list of other people born that year.
next best thing? http://snltranscripts.jt.or…
Yup. I'm on the South Shore, and there's at least 10 Dunkin Donuts within a five mile radius of my house.
Nope. I can only say Dunkin Donuts. But to be fair I also almost made my daughter cry when she asked why I don't call her Pumpkin or Princess or something. I can't do nicknames, and if I started do, we'd both know why I was doing it and the whole thing would just be forced.
Of all the current problems with the NFL, there's one that hasn't really been addressed.
I can only speak as a heterosexual man, but 70s era Chevy kind of looks like a shaggy Harrison Ford, I can see the ladies going for that. Especially 70s ladies.
It's a good start, but he' got a long way to go if he's ever going to achieve the impossible and overthrow Victoria Jackson as the craziest former SNL cast member. It almost goes without saying, but of course she's also anti-vaccine. Fun Tip: If you put "craziest ex snl" into Google, the top result is Victoria…
That's exactly it. If he did an ad for Xerox or something, they could let the whole "he's completely bananas" thing slide, but it's a life insurance company.
I guess that's ok, as long as she has strong legs like her mother.
Rock and guitars and supple tits is how you get peace on Earth.
Toby Froud, a baby previously stolen by goblins, grew up and works at Laika and worked on this movie. Maybe it's semi-autobiographical.
I don't know how to break it to you, but that guy (Eduard Khil) died in 2012. Now he's hypnotically yodel-singing through the pearly gates, like an Animatronic Steve Buscemi.
I thought they lived under bridges?
This article would have got you suspended for three weeks on ESPN. Not because of the swearing, but for disparaging Popples and by association, TD, the Popple that turns into a football.
Worst character design for a wide-release animated movie? That honor has to go to Happily N'Ever After.
Just to clarify, Troll 2 is not a sequel to Troll, nor does it contain or even mention the word troll. It's about goblins who are vegetarians so they turn people into vegetables so they can eat them. The existence of Troll 2 is justified by the fascinating documentary "Best Worst Movie" 1986's Troll is a fantasy movie…