I still think the only way to know for sure is to just build an X-Wing and a TIE fighter and have them duke it out in space. Get on that, scientists.
I still think the only way to know for sure is to just build an X-Wing and a TIE fighter and have them duke it out in space. Get on that, scientists.
If you can live with the guilt.
Fun fact: fun facts are almost never fun.
Burke killed Simms in a shootout and I had to reload a few times before I could draw on Burke first. I couldn't just let Simms die, I felt like I was letting him down.
Jenny McCarthy is married to Donnie Wahlberg now. It's the most 90s thing to happen since Dec 31, 1999.
I also would have accepted "That's none of your damn business, and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs."
Every line was mangled. One almost gets the impression that Mr. Barsanti is some kind of hipster that's too good for the likes of Jim Carrey. Making him (Sam's a he, right?) an odd choice to write this article. I don't know how they write these though, do they pull names out of a hat or something? Or like a chore…
Was that in her diary?
There are a bunch on there, Archer, Sons of Anarchy, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but there's just as many conspicuously missing. I think Justified used to be on, but then it wasn't. Usually, that means someone made an exclusive deal with another service. When Netflix got all those Disney properties, they lost…
I had to cut my cable a few years ago, or it was cut for me, whatever. Anyway, I get by on Netflix, Amazon and Hulu (and my mom's password for HBO Go) The few shows that aren't on any of those services I either watch at someone's house or buy for $2 or $3 an episode. There's a huge amount of overlap between Netflix…
I would attribute fewer people watching it to the fact that previous seasons are available on Amazon Prime and not Netflix.
Dave Grohl version or Pete from 30 Rock version?
What about Bob?
Why say "favourite" but not "tonne?"
Fine, hug me, idiot.
I got the results of the test back. I definitely have lesbian cancer.
Of course he's making a living off it, his name is literally "Camp" He has the most appropriate name since Usain Bolt.
As shitty as Justin Bieber's music is, he's done everything he can in the past few years to ensure his music is now the least shitty thing about him. Now if you hear Justin Bieber singing, you're just glad it's not Justin Bieber doing literally anything else.
With Jesse Camp as the wacky neighbor/cautionary tale
Maudlin: This isn't a war, it's a murder.
Irreverent: This isn't war, it's moyder!