Who are those pleasant old men?
That's BTO. They're Canada's answer to ELO. Their big hit was TCB. That's how we talked in the 70s. We didn't have a moment to spare.
Who are those pleasant old men?
That's BTO. They're Canada's answer to ELO. Their big hit was TCB. That's how we talked in the 70s. We didn't have a moment to spare.
The One Where Kirk and Spock Fight, the sky is supposed to be red, but that's clearly just a wall. You're not fooling anyone, 1960s set designers!
Aw man, you Accosta'ed him! Which is an original joke I just made up that I'll bet he's never heard before ever in his life.
I just looked him up. Crazy kid from Chronicle. Got it.
The whole movie would be Dean Stockwell holding Dane DeHaan in his hand and occosionally smacking him. Also, I don't know who Dane DeHaan is.
I was…I was gonna do Ziggy from Quantum Leap.
Yeah the gold double cd from '95 that was kind of ubiquitous in the '90s didn't have it.
I started with Greatest Hits I & II and it was my only knowledge of Queen for some time. They definitely do their job as a primer, save for the glaring omission of Keep Yourelf Alive.
I actually just assumed people were making dicks before I confirmed it. But of course they are: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
I guess if you like building stuff, but don't have 5,000 Legos in the right color. People build insane things like all the realms of Game of Thrones or working Beetlejuice and Ghost Busters themed roller coasters. Also giant dicks.
I find it weird that kids can play with Legos, or play a licensed Lego computer game, or play Minecraft, or play with licensed Minecraft toys. And by weird I mean unfairly awesome. Screw you, kids! Enjoy your embarrassment of riches, it's all down hill from here.
You can mine, or you can craft. Hence the name. While the point is to do both, I got tired of goddamn Creepers blowing up everything I made, so I switched out of survival mode and mostly stick to creative mode. Which is just building stuff with nigh-infinite materials.
They only have one dick, you see. And they aren't even sure whose it is, as they've never seen their own. This is the cutting edge of political satire, people! THE CUTTING EDGE!
I went to watch this today, but can't because friggin Comcast doesn't have it OnDemand (but it does have all the other seasons for $3 an episode). So I just want to talk about the promo art for each season. The first two have the title "Sons of Anarchy" prominently displayed, then in the third it starts to get cropped…
Oh that will come up when they go to masturbate. They each lost their masturbating hand, so the other half has to beat them off.
I have an idea for a TV show: Rush Limbaugh is driving down the street and sees a sign that says "Bridge Out: Turn left for Detour" and he's like "Left? In your dreams, Commie!" and plows ahead. Meanwhile, Michael Moore is driving in the opposite direction, but gets distracted when he drops his sandwich and doesn't…
Do you think they'll do that thing where one of them pictures the other as a hamburger, and that one pictures the first guy as a hot dog?
I like the idea of stranding them on an island, it's everything after that I have a problem with. If you're going to make it a show, drop them there with no cameras or supplies or anything and come back in a year to film the results.
All I know is, Dot asked "What's wrong with the new Batmobile?" and Yakko said "It has Turrets Syndrome." And a warning shot was fired.