
Billy McFarland is what happens when Michael Alig teams up with the worst “party promoter” from the ‘90s and sticks a flyer under your windshield wiper.

There are several places around here that require you to download an app for payment, ironically one of them a “dive bar.”

Philadelphia, San Francisco, and New Jersey have all banned cashless policies for these reasons, and L.A. and D.C. either have or are working on similar bans. Massachusetts has banned cashless policies since the 1970s.

I understand why the cheapest fast food restaurants are going towards an automat format, and I would image Taco Bell will still have a backup cash option like the updated McDonalds’ do. But whenever upscale fast food chains like Cava and sweetgreen go cashless, it reeks of ulterior motives.

What’s disgusting about these parents in particular is that they shamelessly know exactly what they’re doing. But just as bad (buckle up, I’m gonna rant) are the toxically positive parenting bloggers and influencers who trot out their tots for Barbie themed birthday parties meticulously staged not for the child’s

Agreed, and that was exactly my point. Hollywood was reigned in by child labor laws and unions, but on social media, it’s the Wild West. Anything goes. 

Hollywood finally wised up and stopped turning child stars into tragic adults, then social-media-hustling parents picked up where that left off. I don’t know anyone who knew who Lil Tay was until her death was reported. Given the publicity it received, when she was discovered alive, I immediately thought it was a

I’ve never been able to take Joe Rogan seriously, for better or worse. To me, he’s just a contrarian. He likes enraging people by telling people things, usually false things, they don’t want to hear. It was only a matter of time before enough people on the Left started tuning him out that he’d have to start trying to

I feel like there’s a yet-to-be-written story about the Geocities template used to create every single independent car dealership’s website in America.

This is so cool! Thanks for sharing!

That’s interesting. I’m no expert on market values, etc., but I know a public company’s value isn’t as staid as, say, a toaster. The way Musk can raise and lower the stock values of Twitter and Tesla with a tweet, I wonder how much of Tesla’s value is tied up in his personality. Plus, investing in Tesla seems like

Personality cults pay off for celebrities, influencers, and occasionally politicians. But most people buy a car to get from point A to point B and prefer their car company’s lead to be as dry and boringly professional as possible, namely because they want to be able to rely on their car company to service and maintain

Wait, you mean a two hour commercial for Mattel shamelessly plugs a car company, too??

Dinnertime has a lot more to do with age than it does location. I used to be able to go out to eat at 9 then hit up a club at 11. Now, pushing 50, when someone suggests dinner after 6 I’m like, “at night??” 

There are a lot of incidental similarities that move the plots along: the best friend with common sense, both are amateur photographers, parental abandonment, blaming the older victim’s outburst on a stroke, the ritual initially passed on to kids, the partner/love interest secretly the enemy, “be careful with the

In my opinion, one of the most underrated horror movies, and the most underrated haunted house movie, is Skeleton Key. Jordan Peele’s Get Out so brazenly rips off Skeleton Key scene by scene, not to mention it’s unique premise and ending, I’m amazed more people haven’t called out critics for praising Peele’s

I thought of another oddball film haunted house aficionados might have missed: 2020's You Should Have Left. It’s not great, but it was clearly influenced by Mark Danielewski’s book, “House of Leaves,” which in my opinion is the definitive haunted house book, namely that as you read on you begin to realize that the

I was really excited about Haunted Mansion until I realized it was probably just a two hour commercial for the Disney ride. A good haunted house movie is hard to find but it’s my favorite sub-genre of horror, particularly if it’s fun and the scares outweigh the gore. I’m happy to see some classics on this list, and

That’s a very fair point. I came out in college before social media, so when people asked me questions about homosexuality I was 1) as eager to talk about it as a Tumblr tween because there really wasn’t an outlet to talk about it, and 2) because it’s very easy to discern in person genuine curiosity from those asking

I’ve heard this a lot from my gay friends, especially lesbians. Adolescence is a confusing time without being gay or trans, and when adults project their grown mentalities on a growing mind, that kid’s gonna shop for any way to be “normal.” I can’t imagine how much more baggage a trans identity heaps on a girl who