
This might sound cynical, but I think bills like these are designed not to start a dialogue about abortion and rape, but rather to bury it under obscurity. If Givan wants to be involved in the dialogue she should join the one that already exists. In actuality she’s trying to change the narrative altogether. Abortion

Here’s your reminder that politicians aren’t the people you discuss politics with over coffee, and even those friends are likely filtering opinions you disagree with to avoid arguments. No politician will ever align with everything a single voter believes or supports.

With the exception of your last sentence, this comment is far more insightful than the actual article. For the record, I’m with you line for line, even the last one. As someone nearing 50, I’ve witnessed enough unrest in Israel and Palestine to know that there can be no real winners, at least not in any immediate

It looks like a Z car designed by John DeLorean, and I mean that in a most complimentary way. Given the Cybertruck’s angular (though less balanced) lines, and all the hype surrounding it, I wonder if this is a sign of designs to come. I hope so. Automotive design tends to plateau at points where all vehicles start

I couldn’t agree more. It’s an unfortunately cynical take but it doesn’t take long after moving to a large city to grow frustrated with its realities. People will gripe, “but I should be able to trust people!,” “my taxes pay for police!,” and “I only left my bike unattended for two minutes!,” but anyone who holds onto

Interesting. A friend of mine back when I lived in D.C. in the ‘90s actually used to leave his doors off and his top down if it wasn’t raining for that exact reason. 

San Francisco is a high profile international city that gets a lot of press. It’s also exceptionally expensive, which makes otherwise routine concerns like homelessness and crime seem exceptional.

In my 25+ years of city living I’ve found the best theft-deterrent is not leaving anything - anything - visible. There are a lot of ways to track thieves using a backpack, whether it’s filled with fart spray or a small tracking device, but it’s defeating the whole point by offering them something to steal in the first

From my limited experience with Chicago, I can tell you that deep dish is not the default. It’s not particularly wide and it’s something you sit down to eat with a fork. It’s not something you order for a party or a break room where people grab a slice and go. It is, for all intents and purposes, a casserole...a pizza

Michael was no saint, despite claiming literally that. Nor was Maeby. That was the point of the show; even the “straight man” was deliberately unlikable: a textbook narcissist. The audience is meant to identify with bits and pieces of each Bluth but not view the show through one specific lens as is usually the case.

I wondered the same thing. Lucille’s take on homosexuals isn’t any different than it would be today. 

I’d almost say by the ‘00s, edginess was either being refined or commodified. Reality TV like Punk’d and the garbage I never really watched was certainly cashing in on its audience’s patience and suspended disbelief. To me that was just crude, even as a departure from the sometimes awkward comedy of the ‘90s. But we

As someone who came of age between the late ‘90s and early 2000s, I can attest to just how gross the early ‘00s were, and they were a lot grosser than the ‘90s. Grunge and the few lingering love ballads were making way for Britney Spears and a dozen carbon copies whose handlers were trying to sell sex to teens, but

Relax was banned because, in an era when even Boy George and George Michael somehow claimed to be straight, the video was overtly gay. That didn’t stop me from seeing it...somehow, and it’s responsible for a few of my first big-boy-dreams. That rubber tank top. geez Louise, my glasses are fogging up just thinking

I wish there was a way to insure men, women, and non-binary actors received equal scrutiny from the judges, but until that’s the case it doesn’t seem like there’s a truly fair option. They could create a non-binary category, but the same actors would be nominated every year just to fill the ballot. Some awards outside

Of course, Anthony’s wistfulness for a time long ago when kind neighborly kindness prevailed in *checks notes* Richmond, Virginia.

One of my proudest college moments was driving through Liberty University’s campus blasting The Outhere Brothers’ song, Fuk U In the Ass. 25 years later I still wonder how on Spaghetti Monster’s green earth that school is accredited. 

They do that here in PA too where it’s illegal to charge a debit fee (credit card fees are legal here). I think what they’re doing is abusing a loophole that allows them to offer a “discount” for using cash.

A McDonald’s franchise tried paying their employees with pre-paid debit cards and was forced to stop. I think the legality varies by municipality, but when that story went viral I think a lot of jurisdictions got out in front of it and made it illegal.

That’s wild. I have to wonder why employee theft is so high. I imagine right now it has something to do with retail being so understaffed. I mean a stealth cashier can pocket money at any register, but when there’s only one cashier the temptation and ease escalates exponentially. I also wonder if there’s any