
All the gay men and women I know have had the exact same question. As a child I used to play “dress-up” with my sister and her friends. It was fun when I was 5, and to be honest, it still is. Especially as a 6' 2" burly, bearded man who generally dresses like a lumberjack. I spend several weekends every summer at a

Jezebel is content to traffic in whatever generates clicks and comments, at least since its relationship with Gawker was dissolved, which I guess we’re guilty of contributing to.

Ask 100 non-binary individuals and you’ll get 100 different answers. Non-binary, at least etymologically, would be the absence of a binary. So those who identify as non-binary would reject the notion of two genders. To some, this might mean they are neither male nor female. To others, it means they embrace both

I’m curious if Guzman identified as non-binary when they joined the sorority. If Guzman was born male and Chi Omega only allows female-born members, it only begs to question why they allowed them into their sorority to begin with.

I had an argument with a friend who works for a prominent LGBT organization about this kind of corporate sponsorship. He rightfully claimed Pride festivals couldn’t afford famous headliners without corporate sponsors, but I argued if famous headliners cared about Pride they wouldn’t be asking for more money than the

We need a phrase for this, kind of like “The Streisand Effect,” wherein a bigot’s attempt to silence someone or something ends up giving their target a voice. It’s happening with book bans too. Their knee-jerk hate is making hundreds of previously unknown books instant best sellers. Whatever it’s called, I’m living

Just because someone’s a dick doesn’t mean he deserves to be racially targeted. Dogs need to be on a leash, for their own safety and for everyone else. Someone so concerned her dog “needs his exercise” would know that.

“...we respect the honest opinions of our fellow citizens and apologize for any offense we may have caused.”

The Moms for Liberty are coming to Philadelphia for their national conference this year and I’m wishing them all the worst. I think a lot of people, including the moms, underestimate Philly’s staunch liberalism, and more so how much even the bluest collar Philadelphian will disregard race or sexual orientation when it

The phrase “toxic workplace” is trending into buzzword territory where it’s just used anytime someone is unhappy with their job. 

I was literally just wondering, “where is Demi Lovato?” with her/their pandering self-promotion, and like clockwork, she/they delivered. 

Oh, I agree 100%. I’m just a proponent of the high road. The Right is in the state it’s in because the party that claims to respect tradition and decorum has lost all respect for tradition and decorum. It’s become a fringe cult. It’s bleeding members and it wouldn’t even be viable if it weren’t for rampant

While I don’t agree we should have to bend to heteronormative ideals to be accepted, doing so is absolutely what won our freedoms. Since the ‘60s we’ve waxed and waned between protests like the Annual Reminders that sought to portray us “like everyone else,” and more radical movements like The Gay Liberation Front and

The accidental brilliance of this show is that it inadvertently showcases the hypocrisy of upper-class liberalism and the lazy state of the current art world. The disenfranchised poor who have been exiled from New York don’t have the privilege of being exposed to renowned works of art, let alone the free time to spend

The double standard around male and female bodies is problematic, but being invited to the White House is a privilege. She never claimed it was a political statement until after she was confronted for it. I’m sickened that we spent 50+ years fighting and dying so that influencers could disrespectfully pander for

I’m a left-wing gay here who couldn’t agree more with most of this, and I will happily step aside in the face of any women who agree far more passionately with your comments.

Garth Brooks hasn’t given a shit for a very long time (or, rather, he has given a shit for a very long time). He sang “Freedom” with George Michael at the Equality Rocks concert in 2000, but “We Shall Be Free” came out nearly a decade before that. A lot of pop and even country artists have come out in support of the

In a perfectly democratic country these ridiculous investigations would expose how unnecessary these prohibitions are, and parents would be in an uproar that the money wasted isn’t being put towards their childrens’ education. But in Florida, their sole purpose isn’t to censor content or “protect the children,” it’s

Fiddling while Rome burns.

If you have the soundtrack on CD and haven’t uncovered its secret “track,” let the last song play out for about 13 minutes and you’ll be treated to Mary’s “excuse me, what are you doing? Are you putting that book away monologue?”