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    Battlepillars? What a total ripoff of the original!

    Battlepillars? What a total ripoff of the original!

    You can just right click and delete it. I got really annoyed too, and then just realized it was a link just like any other bookmark

    You are indeed right. However, being an EAP counselor who has actually helped multiple people with this very problem, I can say that their no-cost sessions were even cheaper than a few bucks.

    Vote: Degree MotionSense Dry Spray

    Vote: Degree MotionSense Dry Spray

    As others have mentioned, I totally got goosebumps watching Secretariat running. That animal was a machine! I’d have loved to been alive to see that.

    Mine took quite a while for the icon to pop up, but it finally did some point this morning

    My mom’s been doing this for years. She’s never gotten to me! Excuse me, I need to go dust the family room....

    If you like Tower Defense games, snag up that Kingdom Rush for free! Bought it months ago, and still been playing it. I think it’s the most refined series of TD games. I just bought Frontiers (another version) about two weeks ago because the series is just so fun and I’m happy to support the devs!

    If you like Tower Defense games, snag up that Kingdom Rush for free! Bought it months ago, and still been playing

    Every time I saw Dr. Amador mentioned in the article I read it as “Dr. Jan Itor. Jan Itor.”

    My fiance and I have been looking into it and are seriously considering picking it up! Were you able to pick it up with relative ease?

    While it’s a neat way to learn about ourselves, you probably shouldn’t use it to do something serious like decide what career to pursue.

    Love this. Use it all the time in my counseling sessions with clients, especially teenagers, who slip they like to game. I immediately follow up with, “Xbox or PlayStation?” and it usually gets their guard down and more engaged

    There’s not much better of a feeling than boarding down the mountain with only nature to be heard around you

    Interesting two Australian cities make the Top 10 list but no New Zealand cities. I backpacked through the country for a month by myself some years ago, and never once had anything other than tons of helpful people and extremely positive experiences, regardless of city!

    Still can't even seem to get this up on my Moto X. Loading the website in Airplane Mode just makes it hang... However I found on the Windows version at least that if you hold the Spacebar on the first jump he'll quickly execute a second jump. Useful for those tight double cactus spots!

    Man, you try and step up your game to help out and just get shot down! No respect!

    i somehow read it as a remote-controlled pillow so you never lose the pillow agai . I thought that was pretty spectacular. This, not so much

    I'll just leave this here...

    Well done! That's so much better.

    Ha it's a fair point. Part of drinking that much water though at work is that it keeps me from snacking on other crap, so I guess if I have to choose between peeing too much and snacking, I'll take the bathroom breaks. But I probably could cut back the water consumption a little