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    I already drink a ton of water during the day. I need the follow-up article:

    My buddies and I went to Iowa State University for college, and the daily game driving around was pointing out all the Minnesota license plates just like that to remind us of our homeland "Up North" :)

    While not always the case, I will vouch that there are times pop fills the void that a beer just cannot.

    Damn, now a Pepsi is sounding really good to me and I'll be thinking about it all day!

    I don't get how this is so. My friends have put me up to this many times (as well as the SweetTarts taste test in Jr high), and I notice the difference right awa . Coke is way more acidic tasting, while the Pepsi is pure sugar taste. Which is what I love about it! ;) Were any of your classmates self-proclaimed pop

    This is the chart I always used too. Good find! People always wonder how I knew weird relationships to family

    Few rules to make it harder:

    Already a great start to the article

    Thank you! Was just explaining this to someone the other day when they asked, "Well how would you stop it?" I said, "Turn off auto backup, put it into Airplane Mode if I were super paranoid, and get them off my phone and onto my computer ASAP."

    Hidden Falls is great! And with a name like that, it's totally a secret ;)

    Well stated. I go out and get a burger and beer at a joint and know how much I'm willing to pay, and then when I tip and go home later and realize how much I spent on that meal including the tip, I realize that my food was definitely not worth that much money.

    Thank you for pointing this out! My friends always stared at me like I was a cheap bastard cheating them of money, and it took so many times for them to realize that I'm not basing a tip for your services and goods AND tax that I really don't want to pay in the first place. But I will tip on the services and goods

    Someone is too excited for "The Stomping Land" release!

    Just for kicks and giggles I tried this out on my Moto X. When I'd click the Gallery button, all it did was give me a notification that Google+ had crashed. That'd be frustrating to explain to a parent or grandparent, seeing as even I have no idea why I can't see the photos I've taken!

    I shouldn't....Recommend....oh of course I will! I laughed, very well played

    Thanks for everything, Adam! Been a joy reading all your work! Best of luck with everything!

    Joke's on Google! My desktop doesn't have a microphone attached to it. Good luck listening to me saying nothing to anyone else! Though, it means I have no one to listen to me... :(

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that had this. Suddenly everything that was working stopped and it drove me bananas. I suspected that 8.1 was the problem

    "Elastic Monster" is what the ladies call my... oh. Now I get it :'(