Okay okay... I had just suffered through watching my Cyclones lose a snooze-fest to Oklahoma only one week after the greatest game possibly in their history, and really was in need of a pick-me-up win! *Munch munch munch*
Okay okay... I had just suffered through watching my Cyclones lose a snooze-fest to Oklahoma only one week after the greatest game possibly in their history, and really was in need of a pick-me-up win! *Munch munch munch*
Michigan over Ohio State? HA! I love a good Black Friday joke :P OH! IO!
Second this. I'm "blessed" with many lazy and tardy friends simply because they don't care about being polite or on time, so just changing the starting time of everything just for them really makes things easier
God dang it that was gold! Thanks for making my day :)
I tried IMGBurn some years ago, and just the interface alone scared me away. Went to CDBurnerXP and have not turned back! Love it!
Oh definitely! Especially from far away on that very first shot I actually thought it was O'Mara. I was wondering when the dinosaurs would show up and invade the camp
Agreed with many on here: while I do think Bardem is very good and has done some great stuff (absolutely fantastic in "No Country"), I did immediately think of Viggo too. He's the epitome of grit: LOTR, Eastern Promises, A History of Violence! Yes please!
+1! I hated Blaine, and I hate Gilbert Gottfried.... so it only follows that it'd be a match made in heaven.
What if to my friends I'm known as the "chip-eater" cause I eat the whole bag? ;)
So I guess what I want to do is similar. I just want to take an old boombox and add an auxiliary jack for my iPod. Would similar steps apply here?
I don't know about anyone else, but with the newest version of Foxit, I've not had any problems with noticing a watermark with editing? Anyone else notice similar results?
Definitely see why it's beta. Got an error closing it out and lost all my tiles. But worked great while I ran it! So I'll definitely keep my eye on it as it develops down the road
Well, I'm running a 73-page PDF at 16,480k of memory, if that means anything to you! I've never seemed to have any problem with speed at all, either in fresh opening of a file or using any of the editing tools!
It appears that neither of these will allow you to download the free music they give you if you offer an interest in a certain genre. Am I correct in this or just doing it wrong?
Not a fan of IE at all, but definitely worst is Adobe Reader. So bloated, and so much more I can do with Foxit Reader with much less resource use! And now I can change the color! YAY!
My bad! Read @hybridr6's comment below!
So I saw that Macs can use it with Time Machine to backup their data. Will it work with Backup and Restore in Windows 7?
I received a Linksys WRT54GS router from a friend who was upgrading to a new one. Problem is, in downgrading from the DD-WRT software that was on there back down to the Linksys firmware, the only thing I could get on there was WRT54G firmware, and it won't just let me load the GS firmware right back onto it via the…
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling? I have a locked taskbar just like you, and no problems with my icons showing up, and I can definitely scroll in both my Gmail and Twitter app.
I put this in the usual open thread, but I figured it can't hurt to go here too: