Thank you so very much! Got DD-WRT working again on it. I guess I can live with it. Not going to risk messing everything up again. Much appreciated! :)
Thank you so very much! Got DD-WRT working again on it. I guess I can live with it. Not going to risk messing everything up again. Much appreciated! :)
Yes it was working fine. And I've got version 6.
So I was trying to downgrade from DD-WRT to the original Linksys firmware, and I think I bricked my WRT54GS router. I get a 404 Error when I type in the default, and i read that I was supposed to flash Open-WRT to it first, and that's when things went bad. Can anyone help me figure out why I can't see…
I've come across this same problem and found a fix that's worked every time for me thus far. Do you have either the Windows Installation disk or a Recovery disk? If so, put that in and boot from the disk. Click on the "Repair" option and then click the Command Line option. just type Bootrec.exe/FixMbr and that should…
Thanks guys! Appreciate the help! I'll give it a try tonight! :)
How can I get my laptop to Wake-on-LAN when I remote desktop to it? I have it enabled in both the BIOS and under my "Network Adapter" settings. I'm running Windows 7 Pro on a Dell Latitude D630. Thanks!
So I followed the steps and then I type in [] and I get nothing. Just a "Not Available" message. Any thoughts?
It won't let me change my name or the Windows Branding. The only thing that changes is my background. Any thoughts? Haha touche! Free beer is always the best. But yes that sounds like good advice than you. Samplers definitely sound good to me. Didn't even think of that.
@Hasteur: So very close. Same conference but different reason for the nickname. I'm an Iowa Stater, but the nickname came from my high school when I first discovered LH. Funny how that worked out though ;) Thanks for the heads up and the info though! I'm liking that I've already got second opinions on good advice!
@somidscr21: Fancy fancy! Thanks for the link! very interesting.
@trisham: Oh nice! That sounds good to me, and you've got another commenter here who agrees too ;) Well played! +1 to you!
Okay fellow 'Hackers, this is a very important question I need help with. It is my 21st birthday in less than 4 weeks, and I'm celebrating with my first beer. I'm not a drinker at school and I have had no previous experience with alcohol, so I'm a total n00b on everything as such. So, what should my first beer be to…
@shellsonthefloor: I really enjoy that look as well. Very simple and calming if you ask me.
Vote: Writemonkey
@seven5suited: I sir, for one, found your jokes quite hilarious! Gave me a good chuckle at work. Hold your head high knowing at least one fellow reader enjoyed your work.
@Gotlactose: That's not a bad idea actually. I don't personally mind the free-for-all as I see it as a great game I can't lose, but I could see where xoSushi is coming from. Consider your petition signed by me!
Here's mine too. Worth a shot :)
Will this work for me if I have a Gmail account and a Google Apps account through my university as well?
@bimyou: Oh man! That game was gold! I wish I still had that CD. That and Phoenix were great on it!