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    Thank you so very much! Got DD-WRT working again on it. I guess I can live with it. Not going to risk messing everything up again. Much appreciated! :)

    Yes it was working fine. And I've got version 6.

    So I was trying to downgrade from DD-WRT to the original Linksys firmware, and I think I bricked my WRT54GS router. I get a 404 Error when I type in the default, and i read that I was supposed to flash Open-WRT to it first, and that's when things went bad. Can anyone help me figure out why I can't see

    I've come across this same problem and found a fix that's worked every time for me thus far. Do you have either the Windows Installation disk or a Recovery disk? If so, put that in and boot from the disk. Click on the "Repair" option and then click the Command Line option. just type Bootrec.exe/FixMbr and that should

    Thanks guys! Appreciate the help! I'll give it a try tonight! :)

    How can I get my laptop to Wake-on-LAN when I remote desktop to it? I have it enabled in both the BIOS and under my "Network Adapter" settings. I'm running Windows 7 Pro on a Dell Latitude D630. Thanks!

    So I followed the steps and then I type in [] and I get nothing. Just a "Not Available" message. Any thoughts?

    It won't let me change my name or the Windows Branding. The only thing that changes is my background. Any thoughts?

    @the.walker.nc: Haha touche! Free beer is always the best. But yes that sounds like good advice than you. Samplers definitely sound good to me. Didn't even think of that.

    @Hasteur: So very close. Same conference but different reason for the nickname. I'm an Iowa Stater, but the nickname came from my high school when I first discovered LH. Funny how that worked out though ;) Thanks for the heads up and the info though! I'm liking that I've already got second opinions on good advice!

    @somidscr21: Fancy fancy! Thanks for the link! very interesting.

    @trisham: Oh nice! That sounds good to me, and you've got another commenter here who agrees too ;) Well played! +1 to you!

    Okay fellow 'Hackers, this is a very important question I need help with. It is my 21st birthday in less than 4 weeks, and I'm celebrating with my first beer. I'm not a drinker at school and I have had no previous experience with alcohol, so I'm a total n00b on everything as such. So, what should my first beer be to

    @shellsonthefloor: I really enjoy that look as well. Very simple and calming if you ask me.

    Vote: Writemonkey

    @seven5suited: I sir, for one, found your jokes quite hilarious! Gave me a good chuckle at work. Hold your head high knowing at least one fellow reader enjoyed your work.

    @Gotlactose: That's not a bad idea actually. I don't personally mind the free-for-all as I see it as a great game I can't lose, but I could see where xoSushi is coming from. Consider your petition signed by me!

    Here's mine too. Worth a shot :)

    Will this work for me if I have a Gmail account and a Google Apps account through my university as well?

    @bimyou: Oh man! That game was gold! I wish I still had that CD. That and Phoenix were great on it!