
have....have you never hate-fucked someone?

some sort of healing foliage”

but here you are

what, exactly, was shrill about this?

Each adaptation has it’s own canon

I....did not catch and Fries puns, aside from that brilliant Pengy line.

I get at least 2 solid LOLs per episode and I’ll take it.

It’s definitely better than Season 1 and a good way to kill time in the pandemic era.

right?  Even the half-assed recaps here missed the musical number.

this is an odd thing to read in 2021

holy crap is this now?

Why should the writers care about a canon outside the show they created?

There was a map revealed?

and fucking stylish at that

have you tried masturbation? It’s generally a better use of time.

They did....

It’s called the “off button”

OTOH, he got a job and a check, so....

Props to Chelsea Spack for being fridged twice on the same show, though. I wonder if she’ll be back as a 3rd twin.

It may be pandemic brain from the future, but I’ve started to dig this show.  The first season is a bit rough, but once it starts leaning into it’s lunacy, it’s good trashy fun.