
Sample size of one, but my local place, KTLA, has only covered one of these stories during broadcast. You can guess which one.

If Disney is doing it, it’s not a “one-off”

I swore that a screenshot for Fallout when I first clicked.

The far more likely explanation is that they’re playing everybody so that people like us”

Other countries didn't have a pandemic?

I see the “notifications” button still does not send you to the comment you are being notified after it being...what, 4+ years? I think it was before Deadspin died.

I know that “Uptown Girl” is utter shite, but I will not stand for this Billy Joel slander. This cat gave us the best Atillah this side of John Wayn.

Neil Young has always been an unrepentant dork, I love it.

I thought this was a Matt Groening project?

Did I miss Tupac’s rock era?

Quentin Tarantino is also a hack.

So nothing of value was lost

He’s not an engineer, though. He’s a rich kid who buys companies.

As long as we move along home

Is that pic of a wax sculpture?

Billionaires are, by definition, guilty.

I can’t make heads or tails of this headline.

Ah.Gorn. How creative.

never heard of it

it’s a special cup for mixing cocktails