Asking from the future and am just curious. Do you still hate gay people?
Asking from the future and am just curious. Do you still hate gay people?
Adult Ivy was revealed in episode 2....
so....did they just not do the first few episodes of this season?
The long haired kid at the end was Bruce?
The fuck is “Arrow”?
It may be Pandemic Brain, but yeezus y’all were hard on this show. It’s stupid fun. Enjoy i t.
She wasn’t a star and hasn’t been involved for several episodes now....
“What is grief, but love persevering?”
I will say, seeing Bruce genuinely enjoy something - the robbery and the escape, was a delightful change. I’ve warmed up to Bat-Mite this season.
I don’t think it’s great, but I’m watching it.
It is, if you got nothing else going on. There’s a lot of laughs, 50/50 intentional.
Yeah, that book threw me. The orange definitely made me think of Dr. Strange’s portals.
Where’s Tiny Train World?
He came out a a couple weeks back
Found the pizza cutter
Having to park several city blocks away from your destination is some realism I did not come to expect with this show.
I’m here because I’m finally watching the show, and sometimes enjoy comment from the future.
Are we supposed to regonize the name “M Malone”?
That was my first “need to pause and process” moment of the episode. They are just fucking going for it, aren’t they. I love it.