
Just like to add that, as the article states, we did 100% respect any and all allergy claims, no matter how bizarre we thought they were, because to do otherwise is just absurd. But when I worked at this place 10 years ago, the owner wanted to specialize in accommodating special needs diets — and it was an eye opening

Not trying to minimize your experience, but google expat adjustment v/u curve. While there are many, significant issues with the model —- a majority of expats experience a crash of depression or shock about 3-6 months into their stay. The ideal situation will balance itself out in a few months and stabilize. Some

Yes, except we did a lot of specific allergy catering and have a specific questionnaire to make sure we do not violate any. If they had said ‘allergic to fake butter - also sensitive to exposure to smell of fake butter’ then we could have pointed out that we make all of our popcorn in house with organic products and

Yeah, the place where I worked would host a ‘Children with allergy’ conference every year and they would send over a long list of ingredients that we were not allowed to use due to allergies. We had to follow it dillegenlty, obviously, but damn were we resentful of the ‘can only drink XYZ coffee’ and allergic to ‘The

OK, not a fan of the prolonged collar, but as the mom of an anxious dog, our trainer told us that petting and soothing implied that our dog’s anxious reaction was correct and appropriate and thus reinforced the behaviour because the owner was like ‘oh yes, of course you are scared, that mailbox is super scary’ instead

The XO group,the company that runs The Knot, seem to be very into pigeonholing their users, and if you don't fit into their specific model of what a bride or mom should be like they don't really want you around. So I think the message here is if you don't want this fitness aspect, then maybe this is not the app for

I cannot with this. Not using corporal punishment does not equal hippy dippy parenting. It is accepting the fact that using violence to teach children does not teach them the message you are aiming for, it teaches them about violence. And yes, swatting, hitting, slapping, restraining it is violence against your

Awful Person. First because you treat a 4 year old this way and secondly because you feel it is OK to come out and think this is somewhat acceptable. As the parent of a four year old as well, yes sometimes you want to lose your shit, but being the grown up in the situation means that losing your shit does not equate

My favorite weird service story was actually at a very fancy hotel in Europe. A vegetarian friend and I ordered their three course Vegetarian menu. The main course came out with a risotto that was 'black'. We inquired as to what made the risotto black.

OMG I have been sorting thru these BS claims for the last two weeks after I was recently diagnosed with an illness that my doctor tells me needs to be treated with a relatively harmless and safe type of medication, but the internet says I need to treat by ingesting air and grass fed meats (I am vegetarian).

That statement from Harper Lee makes this super suspicious as well... she is humbled and amazed that this will be published? Like people haven't been trying to beat down her door for decades? Maybe if she said something like 'I decided now was the time' it might make it more believable, but I will say having read

I know. Clooney's PR team has been working on overdrive to whitewash her up, but in reality it is pretty depressing. Yes, of course there is a purpose for defense lawyers as a part of the system, and yes she can still be a great attorney, but I don't think she is as much a 'champion of human rights' as the media would

1) The time I took an elevator ride with John Aniston (Jenn's father and also a star of Days of Our Lives) and my 80 something year old Grandmother (a HUGE Days fan). Unfortunately for John it was during the time that his character on the show was struggling with sexual dysfunction. My grandmother cracked jokes about

Congrats on taking such a big step. If it helps any, it's the year anniversary of when I made the big step and I am SOO grateful for it. Like you I struggle with intrusive thoughts and a combination of CBT and medication helped me get it under control enough to wean off the medication and I am actually feeling pretty

While it doesn't sound like the best option for you in your current state, please don't discount AA as faith based. My father got sober after ages of drinking with their support and he is the most hardcore atheist I know. From what I isn't about the 'higher power' it's about having a place to go with people going thru

I admit I clicked, placing good faith in your pop leery friends. I guess I have either discovered that your friends are not really pop leery enough or that I am not pop leery, but just a plain hater. Because this song is god awful. I cannot believe I tried to listen to that. But no, I did not make it past 1.30 because

I broke my foot going up the stairs, completely sober, on a Sunday morning. Mr Gum was like 'Hey, you should see this', and so I jumped out of my chair where I was reading the Sunday Times and started to half-run up the stairs. At some point I registered that my foot was asleep, but I didn't give it much thought. I

OK in what universe are allergies to eggs and fabric softener weird? I mean 'allergic to the smell of popcorn' is weird (had someone put that on a list of 'allergies at the place I worked at once), but fabric softener gives me a rash and eggs are something a lot of little kids are allergic to.

OK, I managed to do what you are aiming to do and I found the hospital rather supportive of my efforts. A few things you may want to do:

So sorry for your loss, it sounds like an amazing group of people who gathered to celebrate your SO's son.