
Or when they hand them an iPad without headphones and put on either 1) an annoying game with loud repetitive music, or 2) a movie with a load soundtrack. BUY THE KID SOME HEADPHONES!

I would love this, except for the fact that everyone would still bitch and moan about the fact that you brought your kid into Legendary Coach, even if you pointed at the bouncy castle as your excuse.

Having flown a ton with two kids, I'm super curious how you thought you would fit an 18 month old in one of those bassinets. My kids are on the small side and outgrew those puppies at around 10 months. Often the flight attendants would try to give us one even tho they are only for up to about 10 kg or 9 months, but

Hope you are feeling better. They talk a lot about the risks of high blood pressure during pregnancy, but I always got really really low blood pressure when pregnant, which would occasionally knock me out for the count. I never fainted, but I did have to 'lie down right now' and then not move for awhile. At most of my

Oh man, these were the worst. When I was a super sensitive 9 year old the author actually came to visit our school, so they were selling the book and reading the stories to our class.

That's fine, but I cannot say it doesn't make me sad. I will say it won't stop me from joining in the fight. Most of the groups I have associated with are GLBF, and I've always joined as a friend, but considered myself an activist. The gay community was exceedingly supportive of my family when we lost loved ones to

Not at all. There is no reason that men cannot both be feminists and support a movement that pushes for their own rights as well. One does not negate the other, if both movements are about equality and equal rights. It would be extremely limiting for feminism as a movement to not acknowledge the fact that 50% of the

Then in that case I vehemently disagree with your argument. What issues are there that only affect women and not men? I am hard pressed to think of an issue that relates to feminism that does not also pertain to men — be it equal pay for women (men would lose out on making more), access to free birth control (this

I don't get it, do feminists have to be affected by the issues at hand? And aren't men also affected by the lack of gender equality? And isn't feminism about equality? Men should and can be feminists. If feminism is really about equality it is men's fight too.

I do no good with a 'NEVER AGAIN' quitting approach, so I just switched it up in my head to a 'I want to see how long I can go without a cigarette' tactic. I started by counting hours—- until I got to a week and then I counted days. I managed a few months the first time without a cigarette, went back to smoking

My family has said similar racist stuff — and I find it easiest to deal with my parents and have found them passing on my explanations to my grandparents, so I hope that means it has effect. I try to use the ethnic group they are a part of to set an example of how it may be offensive — so when my Mom tried to complain