0%? You a fellow Junkrat main?
0%? You a fellow Junkrat main?
I certainly don’t. This isn’t some innocent oversight, it’s intentional. Any marketing professional that doesn’t understand Kotaku’s relevance wouldn’t be working for Gearbox - they’re intentionally blackballing sites that have covered Randy Pitchford’s BS.
I’m sure he means it when he says he wants to end it in five years. Whether he actually does is another matter. I mean, wasn’t Oda’s original goal for One Piece to last just 5 years in total? And now we’re into its 3rd decade. If it went another 10 years or even 15, it wouldn’t shock me one bit.
Biggest hit for me is Game Informer, they do great work and I don’t want to see them go!
Horny idiots are going to horny idiot - I’d take their money if I could
As a journalist, don’t you think you should have asked real questions? Like their stance on abortion? Women’s rights? Homosexuality? Just curious.
I was a music major in college. Trust me, it gives new meaning to the terms “G string” and “F hole.”
Have you heard played in G(spot)-minor?
That instrument is broken out only for performances of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3-some.
The vernacular is established, and will remain until people no longer find it useful. You’re fighting this fight about 15 years too late.
Its ok to offend racists. Fuck them. Why would you worry about offending them?
edgy, bro.
This is accurate.
My all-time favorite E3 dunk, even more than “$299"
Blockbuster was my happy place in my early teen years. Back when I had tons of free time, very little money, and could beat most of those tiny 16-bit era games in a weekend, it let me play FAR more games than buying would have.
“I think even Justin Roiland realized that the dialog was getting a bit ridiculous because he breaks character during several long sequences and starts chuckling in his own voice before going back into character.”
That makes two famous clowns named Donald.