There’s only 2 comments on the post so far, bruh. Lol.
There’s only 2 comments on the post so far, bruh. Lol.
I really wanted to like the first Gravity Rush, but I put it down after awhile. I loved the premise, the initial gameplay, the graphics, the music, and the comic book style cut scenes, but the story never goes anywhere interesting, the characters are boring, and the gameplay is just too damn repetitive regardless of…
Ah, 2006 was a simpler time.
I’m only on Chapter 624, but I haven’t read Bleach in a VERY long time. I’ve BEEN reading it for years though. I just don’t know if I have it in me to finish. It’s just so BORING now. I’d hate to let all those years of reading, since 2006 and since to be exact, go to waste, but I just can’t find the willpower to…
I’m more than a little pissed that we didn’t get to see a proper trailer, enough of this behind the scenes bullshit, but Jesus fucking Christ this game looks INCREDIBLE based solely on little footage we’ve actually seen. I’m so excited for this. Time to lose even more of my life into another Mass Effect series.
As I felt Luke Cage in Jessica Jones had about as much depth as a kiddie pool, and about as much character or noteworthy personality traits as a dead raccoon, I’m not sure what’s going to make this show any good. He was just so completely LIFELESS as a character and the acting was Channing Tatum levels of wooden. I’ll…
I’d take off Batman 66 and put the animated version of The Dark Knight Returns on the list. That movie was just fantastic. The second half more than the first half though. Still, really good stuff. Everything else I agree with though. Mask of the Phantasm is the BEST Batman movie ever made. Period. I can’t imagine…
How so?
An fabric spray that smells like the back of a cat’s head?! You’ve got to be KITTEN me!
Seems super interesting. I’ll have to check this. Loving the art too.
I'm not even into Zelda, having not ever played any of the games, and even I'M shitty about this. Lol. I think it would've been awesome to see a big fantasy show on Netflix. Oh, well.
What a twist!
Damn. That shit cray.
Not sure why, but these NEVER make me laugh. No matter HOW many I read. Which is unusual since I live comedy and video games equally.
Never played the first, but hear amazing things. This looks incredible. Always wanted to play it. Will DEFINITELY be picking it up. I just love the combat. It's sick.
Hans Zimmer was auto corrected. iPhone problems. And my mistake. Could have sworn it was Hans Zimmer. oh, well. The rap still sucks.
Love the use of the Hans Zimmerman track from the Saw movies, but other than that the rap is pretty lame. No bueno.