
Not PC, but whenever I see MRA I just assume it stands for Mentally Retarded Asshole. I do extensive work with children with disabilities including autism and I do take huge offense with the use of the word “retard” — but growing up it was a common schoolyard insult, it sits there in my brain, and I cannot stop my

Great story, Dave! Well done, thorough, and just so sad and terrifying.

I’m a leeeetle teensy weensy bit high on Norco from a recent accident (bliss, you guys) and so maybe this isn’t the best time to suggest massive prison policy reform, bu-u-ut ...

You’re right, but it’s still borderline necro and makes my skin crawl that he took pics and posted them. Bleghhhhhh.

Joanna, I want your job. Why can’t I be funny and actually finished with my journalism degree?

Good on Michigan! My rapist hails from Ohio and was always ragging on his northern neighbors. “Michibillies” was what he called them. But (1) I’ve never been raped by the guys I’ve dated from Michigan and, (2) Michigan isn’t a hate-filled Stepford-aspiring humid hellhole, as far as I can make out. So 0/2 Ohio.

She didn’t seem high enough on Xanax mixed with a weight loss supplement.

That was visually gorgeous. I had to turn the sound off.

“They always got 15-minute, one-on-one sessions with their mom every week. That was the time to share their feelings, but other than that they had to keep their feelings to themselves.”

Anyone want to invent a religion with me that interferes with her ability to exercise her rights as a United States citizen? Help me brainstorm. Maybe following her around and insisting I am saving her immortal soul by exposing her to music and writings created by homosexual artists?

A woman in Tarzana, California, is raining very public social media hell upon her insurer. . . .

Ah, well. I am jealous. My sister has recently started employing that word “on the reg” and, as I noted, its usage comes with none too little mental and physical discomfort on my end.

Oh, I feel you. People with resting bitch face are usually the nicest people. They just give zero fucks about focusing on their appearance when they have thoughts to think and a life to live.

I’m with you (and Alfred Clenchedsphincterbottom) when it comes to fleek, Sita. My sphincter gets all uncomfortably clenched whenever I have the misfortune of hearing that “word” used.

I encountered some fucking asshole on ThoughtCatalog mansplaining to women that mansplaining isn’t a valid term they can use because “it isn’t in the dictionary.” I said it was a colloquialism much like butthurt, which wasn’t in the dictionary, either, but perfectly described how he was acting. But I guess my argument

I was like, “How is her Aussie accent so decent?” Then I remembered she dated a Hemsworth.

Why does her hair remind me of one of those sad $5 Barbie knock-offs?

Bradley Cooper and his newest best friend Irina Shayk are moving in together.

I spoke too soon and can’t edit/update my previous comment. The screencap Gawker posted was desaturated.