
Poor, sweet baby. My dog woke me up in the night, whining and crying. He wanted to go outside to puke. He’s such a good guy. He just ate too much, thank God. But he’s got bad cataracts in his left eye and now his right eye is going and my car broke down last week and wiped out all my savings for his surgery. He’s

I legit medically died once. Best experience of my life. Rush of endorphins. Went to a peaceful place where I forgot what sadness or fear were (which was shocking, because literally seconds before I’d been screaming my head off in the hospital saying, “I’m dying” over and over, sobbing and shitting myself). When I

Ha ha, oh, I got you! Yeah, I use colloquialisms myself, but refrain from doing so in situations where I expect the phrase might be unfamiliar or confusing or taken the wrong way. I mean, that’s just common sense, which one would hope a candidate for the presidency would have. Womp womp.

I have no doubt that, had my mother reported it, she would have met less resistance to her complaint than a woman of color. Absolutely no doubt in my mind. And that is horrifying to me, because I know my mother did not complain because she knew it would go nowhere.

I am a white woman from an upper-middle-class background, and I agree with you whole-heartedly. My mother was arrested for spousal abuse (for defending herself and us children against my drunken father), then, when being processed at the county jail, was strip-searched and cavity-searched by a female officer in a way

It’s not reasonable. A reasonable person (1) refrains from using expressions that put incendiary ingredients together and, (2) certainly does not then trail off before establishing that he is absolutely not referring to something totally inappropriate.

“If you want to be treated equally, this is what it is.”

Oh, that makes a lot more sense. Plus, Marion Cotillard was in it, so you get a total pass. Even The Dark Knight Rises gets a pass from me because of Marion Cotillard.

The only person I ever picture when I think of toilets being cleaned is Mila Kunis from Jupiter Ascending. She cleaned, like, 600 toilets in that movie. It started to get weird.

How could you not realize it was an Allen movie? Poor Luke Wilson was stuck imitating his mannerisms and speech patterns for almost two hours.

Amazon runs Goodreads, which routinely treats authors like shit. Careers have been ruined by the crazies on Goodreads one-starring books for little to no reason at all. (There are awesome people on Goodreads, but Google the gangs of total nutjobs if you’re unfamiliar. Publishing info about authors who are rape victims

Is it bad that when I first red this, I thought it said “vajazzler?”

This would be depressing if it happened to anyone else. But, instead, my faith in a higher power has been restored.