Mr. Ogre is Still Alive...more or less

Are smoke signals still ok? Lines in the sand?

Love the Amazing Randi!

People who don’t like Dominos don’t know how to order their pizza.

Ah, technicalities. I suppose I could also sing about it in an amusing way, then?

I was so shouting that at the first presidential debate. “KILL HIS MIC!” I mean, it makes sense. I learned parliamentary style debating many years ago. If you went over, the speaker shut that shit down. My problem is I’d tend to make my points too quickly, which also is a no-no.

It doesn’t get much...eliter?

They can plan all they want, but they won’t be able to do it. Strictly forbidden, and people ARE watching for it. Actual officials.

And landlords got away with discriminatory rental practices, and a young man could get by with just ‘small’ loans from his father...

I keep trying, too. I think it’s just messing with my head. Every once in a while it makes a smell like it’s got a dire mechanical problem...and yet it works the next day. Must be the aliens.

Damn, I forgot about them. Thanks! But still...

Dang, you found the flaw in myy argument! ;)

Maybe he figures America was great in the 1860s, when people were last executed for treason...

I honestly thought it was strictly against the law to threaten in that way.

The correct term is “Nasty Woman”

That’d be an action flick worth watching.

Also my opinion has sincerely been given the same credibility as any of your facts in a very menacing kind of way.

I’d have been such a whiner in grade 10. Seriously. So glad I didn’t have it back then. I got better when I found some other square pegs to hang with in difference circles (computer lab, creative writing, and some other kids who were kind of outsiders. Got to be outside but not alone. It was great.)

Knowing seldom does any good. I figure people are people, they say stupid things. People who know me know who I am. And even they can have a bad moment.

Childless old Ogre me neither. Never thought of it that way. Hmm. Thanks, I think...
