Mr. Ogre is Still Alive...more or less

Yep. I’m with you.

I agree on both counts. And now want both a taco and a pizza. I’ll settle for some fruit and cheese like a good Ogre.

I voted too! OK, I’m Canadian, and it was a provincial plebiscite, but I did vote. First time online voting has been used here. Should be interesting.

Channel 600 on my cable is “Ambient” channel. During the day it nature scenes, noises etc. Overnight is a log burning, no music, just the crackling sounds...

Very carefully?


And even if he has issues, he should have faced them LONG before now. Ridiculous. 

She’s not a witch. But she really could be a robot.

(Gets message from Robots in positions of auhority, whistles innocently)

Mine is more anglo martimer (I’m in PEI), but most of my family are Acadian so I probably have some french notes as well. My sister has lived in Ontario and sound pretty darn Upper Canadian now, but it’s not so bad.

I mean, it’s not a headline news site.

Fuck Obama!

I agree with him. he mother stuff is a bit much, but the battle-tested, hardened leader is exactly who is needed.

Can we not be pragmatic? Who will get shit done that we want done? That’s been Secretary Clinton from day 1 of the primaries. Bernie, I love him, but he didn’t have nearly as good a chance of getting shit done as Hillary.

My Aunt has lived in German for a long time. She doesn’t get home a lot, and last spring when she was here she sounded very much like a German who speaks very good English (much like her husband) at first, but by the end we had her sounding like an Acadian Canadian again, eh. She says “Ya, eh?” a lot in an

I worked a tourist information booth for a summer. Turns out I can pick up intonations and accents without knowing it and in a short time. It got awkward a few times when people thought I was trying to imitate them when I actually I had no idea at all that I was doing it.

I’m not a fan of it. I’ll go with a good breakfast sausage or some regular bacon.

I’ve never seen it once on the East Coast, nor when I was in Ontario but I wasn’t in the GTA. Maybe it’s an Upper Canadian thing, though.

Thanks! It had been almost a year since seeing my doctor, but she said I’m doing well, and my blood tests were all awesome.

Apologies for extra ttt and YyY in messages. I really need to get this laptop fixed.