
How about the people that have to go and fix this on christmas day. This attack effected more than just players but the people who have to fix this shit because of script kiddies.

Please don't retweet that...

"We are not racist at all and serve anyone."

Penises have a pretty well documented history* of violence, so...

These, I assume.

I guess we have to cross our fingers that we aren't worthy?

As someone in mental health I do sort of feel for the ultrasound tech. While normally an argumentative patient does not warrant that person being committed, we don't know the details of how Ruby acted. That said, these "phantom" pregnancies occur and dealing with them is akin to dealing with other conditions such as

Look, I dislike Brietbart as much as the next person, but an investigation into an allegation of an extremely serious crime that implicates an apparently innocent person that has the same name, political affiliation and attended the same small liberal arts school at the same time as the person that Dunham named in her

Thank you for bringing attention to this. I really believe in what my tweet said, that Peter MacKay thinks misogyny is understandable. He is our federal minister who has signed into law a bill that goes into effect this Saturday, the anniversary of the Montreal massacre.
This day is reserved in Canada to remember women

I'm sure there are over a dozen people who could comment on this story and counter Mr. Gross-man, uh sorry, Grothman's assertions. I'll be happy to start.

I really don't like the way the interviewer was pushing Dickinson about "but why did you trust him," "why didn't you ask what the pill was," and so on. It's really rubbing me the wrong way. It seems to kind of reinforce the pervasive idea that if a woman does anything "wrong," then she can't complain when she gets

It's about punishment and reckoning. The lacuna at the center of every misogynist's hate is his mother. When you make this outright hate of women collide with his love of his mother...well, it brings things to the surface very painfully.

It is not hard at all. It is basically a contract, after all, so it doesn't need to be that complicated of a document. You can contact any family law attorney who can draw one up for a nominal fee, or you can even do the whole thing online through services like Legal Zoom.

Plus, it's often harder for them to cope because it can be difficult to express pain/anger/frustration in ways that other people can. :-(

I'm just picturing him coming to America, showing up in the nearest restaurant, weeping copiously as he eats basket after basket of bread. Finally, he's eaten enough to rupture his stomach, and he turns to the server who is trying to comfort him in his last moments and says, "I ate all the bread. I. Ate. All. The.

I want to find one, just one positive in this story, so good on the kid who recorded that drunk fucking scumbag. He should go into police work or something. You can hear him forcibly questioning "Brian," without cajoling him, and successfully getting a confession. Good on you kid. A+ job for an amateur.

I'm so conflicted about this. Because, on one hand, I hate doxxing and I think it's scary to invade people's privacy and sometimes people get it wrong (like, remember when they released the name of the officer who shot Mike Brown and it was totally the wrong dude?) So there's that. But on the other hand, I think about