
I was under the impression they only couldn’t sit next to a woman if she was menstruating. Still a dumb rule, btw. But I would use it to my advantage and end up with secret super powers every time I was on my period. Is just walk around announcing I was on my period touching everything and walking wherever I wanted so

You bring up interesting points - obviously this boy was responding favorably to “feminine” behavior and wanted to embrace that and assume that informed on his gender identity. Whether or not he is transgendered is a different issue. But doing away with antiquated gender roles is going to be an uphill battle.

The race of an actor in a play, in my opinion, should only be considered when the race of their character is an intregal part of the play, namely that the race of said character is a point of focus/conflict. A white Othello would be ill-advised as his being non-white (specifically a moor- a Muslim from northern

The race of an actor in a play, in my opinion, should only be considered when the race of their character is an intregal part of the play, namely that the race of said character is a point of focus/conflict. A white Othello would be ill-advised as his being non-white (specifically a moor- a Muslim from northern

“BDSM and being choked, as those are sexual masochism disorders listed in the DSM-V. Why?”

I personally love how a lot of them forget about the brown people who were originally here. Indigenous. They have no “go back to your own country” rhetoric to spew. Instead they just pretend like we don’t exist, unless we are in the way of franking or pipeline construction.

And I continue to be deeply demoralized by the lack of progress.

It should also be noted that Senator Jeff Merkley (D) of Oregon was so appalled by the actions of the court that he used his time to add the rest of the letter into his speech. No one seemed to stop him, however. So, even when they try to knock Warren down there’s other senators who will step up to ensure the facts

Wouldn’t spousal notification violate like all the HIPPA laws?

I wish i was as fearless as Teri.

I’m on BC because fuck if I’m gonna get pregnant in graduate school, but tonight I’m gonna drink out of spite. Each shot is for you, CDC.

all kinds of gross.
i probably would’ve reacted the same way. I mean, i also wouldn’t have known how to immediately react when someone took something from my person instead of touching my person. if someone took my book out of my hands to talk to me i just...i don’t even fucking know what i would say/do. i’d try to

Ugh. I get that sometimes women are unable to breastfeed due to production, latching, or other medical issues (I know my mom couldn’t breast feed me due to being on medications from a super complicated birth and they did not want me drinking those up through breast milk) but get the best formula you can. Seriously,

I avoid dairy as much as possible - and I’m not wasting my allotted dairy on milk. No one will take my cheese from me.

While I very much enjoyed reading this - I find myself dismayed by your lack of research into art therapy and improper credit being given. I know that this article was primarily about your experiences with this sip-and-paint studios (which are super fun and relaxing) but as an art therapist (finishing my M.A in

But will there actually be consequences now?

When and how? I did not know this. Omg.

Am I the only person who said “god damnit” when reading they were from Saudia Arabia? Because you know right wingerst are gonna have a field day with that.

If your daughter drew that I’d get her in with a specialist right now. Children have a specific trajectory when it comes to graphic development. Most 5 yr olds fall in the “countroiled scribble” or the “pre-schematic” stages. This particular work looks about 4 to 5 years too advanced, definitely done by an older

Literally everything about this situation is absurd. She should not have been taken into custody for anything that happened.