
I can’t even get into the mindset of sending love letters or something to my SOs exes. Like...why? Was the goal just to cause emotional trauma? The only possible justification would be if the ex was trying to wedge herself back in there. Which was not happening here. I approve of the horseshit route.

I honestly have no problem with thus. As long as no one is being coerced or forced into the program I’m on board. You’d even think the heartless repubs would be on board too once you showed them the math.

This is beautiful. It deserves a pulitzer.

So...I’m terrified of losing Obamacare and PP. Like, I’ll have no health resources. No basic wellness exams and no affordable psychiatric meds. Shit is gonna get real scary real fast for the majority of us. And they just...don’t care. Right? They legitimately don’t give a shit.

God. Fucking. Damnit.

Am I the only person who thought that it meant they were funding isis?

Wouldn’t it just make more sense for women to have multiple husbands? Men sharing a wives creates energy issues.

Whoa. A lot of weird racism. By weird I mean the whole “am I too/not enough white for you” stuff. Very specific sexual harassment...

Ha. Perfect. Here’s what I’m brewing so far: faxing her taxes refers specifically to two women penetrating all orifices (orificy?) with different colored vibrating jackhammer jesuses in full view of a church during Sunday service.

Let us brainstorm and Santorum the crud out of this. Ideas for “fax her emails”:

Eww. The whole “other mother” thing was always off putting.’re not my mother. I might not want that kind of relationship with you. Obviously every in-law dynamic will be different but some people have ridiculous expectations.

Yea. It’s weird. Only in certain contexts is it ok. Like my dad took my sister and I to father-daughter dances for girl scouts and we were his “dates.” Totally fine. But if was just taking us to dinner and called us his dates that’s weird. If my mother had taken my brother out to dinner and called him her date same

I feel you. I need anxiety medication otherwise I’m a fairly useless person. Meds are not cheap. And I work with former convicts who also have mental health issues and it’s a struggle for them to get anything done when they try so hard. It makes me more angry than anything.

Oh god. All of this. I’m super low income but comfortable right now thanks to both myself and my partner having gotten our financial aid checks (which promptly got divided between overdue bills, medical payments, and the rest into savings).

Oh thank you! That does sound lovely. I need to track some down and try it.

Also, can you explain the benefits of rose water to me?

We hate the exact same things about night time face washing. Unless I’m taking a night time shower I loathe washing my face before bed. You might be my grooming twin.

I’m going to watch the crud out of this movie.

At what point do we stop calling it harassment and call it assault? I mean, once your hands are on my body it’s assault. Unwanted Groping and kissing is assault. Unwanted comments are harassment.

Human embodiment of a red flag. Geez.