
Not to mention physical necessities of being a cis woman. Why are pads and tampons so goddamn expensive??? Why aren't they effing subsidized if 50% of the U.S. needs it??

Excellent point, because in that novel/movie, Tracy Flick is a "mature", focused, super-responsible teen. She's seen as a kind of little grown up mascot and praised for her adult-seeming poise.

You are oversimplifying things in a way that is distorting what happened here. Can I ask why you ignore the fact that she was a student in your "independent actor" analysis? 14 year olds are required by law to go to school. First, being in this environment in and of itself is not a choice of this girl and that is

Eww. Just eww. As a JHS teacher, allow me to be very clear: if a student shows any kind of inappropriate interest (and sometimes they do), YOU BE THE ADULT. You tell them it is not appropriate. You arrange for the two of you to never be alone in the same space. You let your department head/supervisor/administrators's not the courts' job to make decisions about the legality or constitutionality of gay marriage...

"In ancient Greek mythology, after the great flood, Deucalion and Pyrrha repopulated the world by scattering stones throughout the earth. From these stones emerged people; from these people grew the world. It's a myth, but its opposite is possible"

Who's to say that's a myth? I think Stone Scatter People Theory should

Except in my Real-Person Fanfictions, where Snape gets them man-pregnant.

Exactly. Find a starbucks you never care about frequenting again/where the baristas won't give you side-eye for bringing in a different OKCupid date every Sunday, have a coffee with your stranger-date, walk out and text your friend about how it went. Carry on from there.

I know that I, for one, haven't eaten Taco Bell for years now out of fear that it would cause me to get kidnapped by a Mexican drug cartel.

I'm wondering whether there's another shoe about to drop, here. She's been in the public eye more than usual lately.

I feel a great disturbance in the Tort, as though millions of HIPAA compliance officers suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

I kind of agree? He shouldn't have to be touched by female guards if he doesn't want to and it's against his religion....

You need to find a different graphic to use on this piece. You really, really need to change it. Please.

I know whenever I get pregnant accidentally, I head to the Alamo to think things through.

This shit is getting ridiculous. You don't agree with the woman, fine. No one ever said she was a saint or perfect or her word was gosphel. But you're going to threaten to commit the biggest school shooting in history over this? REALLY!?

You know what would be amazing and transgressive? If they did an episode about buttsex that wasn't all "eww, OMG women are pure!!!11!".

Don't worry, though, there's no such thing as rape culture, and women should feel totally flattered and not at all threatened when men hit on them.

What a tragic thing to have happened. I hope her family can mourn and find peace.