
She has remained far more calm and collected than I would’ve been. I would’ve been passively aggressively mocking all of them on the internet by now and then eventually yelling at them and calling them dried splooge pockets.

Wait. WAIT! Wait...

Serves 480,000 women?! Whwreck the fuck will they go for health services?

Whoaoaoa! I drink green tea all the time (I make pitchers of green tea lemonade all summer) and I never heard of green tea carrying risks. I drink black tea in the am, a cup or 2 of green in the afternoon, and water for all other beverages. Though I also have herbal tea before bed. I need to revisit my beverage

Oh my god. The 4 year old girl I nanny looooooves Teen Titans Go! She wants to be Beast Boy for Halloween so bad. Her 9 year old brother actually wants to be a boy Raven. We have also decided to make costumes this year because it’s hard to find what they want. Her we can paint her face, get pointy ears, and make a

I’m actually inclined to believe both of them. There are hundreds of cases of paternal incest where a father only abuses one of two daughters. This might be a similar situation. Maybe Hef really treated them both very differently - especially behind closed doors. Holly might have experienced a much different Hef than

I’m torn. At the oldest she would’ve been...18 at the time. But far more likely she was 16, maybe even 15. It’s safe to say she had no authority whatsoever. If my boss was in the business of mass genocide I might not be so inclined to fight him on it - as a defenseless teenage girl.

Richard Dawkins...what?

Marijuana is used for certain mental disorders regularly. It’s great for specific anxiety disorders. But like with any type of medication not everyone has the same reaction. Research with Marijuana for psychiatric disorders is still slow going.

someone with a diagnosed/undiagnosed psychiatric disorder that presents with psychotic episodes can easily be triggered into one when consuming Marijuana. We have little evidence that a neurotypical person would become psychotic upon consumption. So his defense could be sound if he has a history of particular mental

You are correct - someone with a diagnosed/undiagnosed psychiatric disorder that presents with psychotic episodes can easily be triggered into one when consuming Marijuana. We have little evidence that a neurotypical person would become psychotic upon consumption. So his defense cou ok do be sound if he has a history

Ouf. Intense. We never had an actual bomb but we did have bomb threats and one weird issue where some dumb girl was playing with her (BIG) can of pepper spray in the bathroom. It sort of exploded and that shit got everywhere - no one knew what it was at first. People were coughing, place was evacuated, 911 was called,

Literally every time I hear someone say “well, they thought it was a bomb. Wouldn’t you do something to protect the students?”

Oh god. That’s why so many people (adult men) seem to not understand female anatomy....because the womb and vagina are not the same thing. I’m already teaching kids that babies do not grow “in the tummy,” but in the uterus - which I explain is like a pouch below the tummy where the baby grows because that’s as

So we might get to see this again and again? I feel schadenfreude coming on.

So that video is amazing. And also the first time I’ve ever seen a fox news segment and nodded in agreement. Things are happening....

As someone whose played the cello for 20 years just the thought of 8 straight hours makes my fingers bleed.

Why does she still have her job? If i was still a server and refused to wait on anyone because of religious grounds (my religion simply dictates that we just don’t be dicks to anyone) would probably just be fired. If i, as a residential counselor, refused to work with any gay/trans kids i would also just be fired.

It will be the best thing to watch. I will, however, be horrified the entire time was panics because there’s a slight chance trumo could win. Its like when i watched the romney obama results roll in and was concerned somewhere in the middle when there was so much red.

Obvious discomfort paired with makeup and general aging plus poor lighting. She looks great, maybe don’t pick people’s faces apart for just getting older...she has had heaps of emotional stress for years and manages to look like she’s taking care of herself. I think she looks lovely.