
Right? Brit is being celebrated so let’s make fun of her because...we can? I mean, she looks great, appaears to finally be happy and stable, and just having a night out with her family. She just looks amazing.

Man, this post was needlessly mean. She looks fab, is finally happy and stable after some really rough years, and looks genuinely pleased to be involved in this. “Unyielding passage of time”? She’s like 33, not 63. And has two kids that she loves. This all reads like age shaming and poking fun at someone who doesn’t

agreed. i’m also from the midwest and deer/turkey hunting is something i know of many people doing. but when they kill the use the entire animal, the only hunt during designated periods in designated areas with all the permits, and they follow all other laws put in place. they also don’t hunt when population is low.

luckily for all daughters involved they can still get BC and dad won’t even know. Its free. Free. No charge. So no billing. And HIPPA ain’t about to let him peruse his kid’s medical records.

I’m lactose intolerant and ALL about coconut milk. Its tops. I risk stomach cramps for cheese though

i appreciate all these gifs because i had a weird level of love/obsession for that woman and i don’t know why.

there was a raping women subreddit?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

so my ex’s family (on his dad’s side) was amish until his grandpa made the faux pas of letting to government run powerlines over - not through - his land so that a neighboring city could have phone access. Rules is rules i guess.

I look forward to more installments of Nothing Fancy. My waistline will increase (with happiness and deliciousness). I literally loooooove that this exists now. This and BCO will be my weekly, kitchenette pick-me-ups.

sex should be on both actors’ terms. christ. i can’t deal with this campaign. mancriminate? are you kidding me?
one of my (many) issues with shit like this is the inherent gender discrimination they dole out against their own gender while posting it. men can and have been raped. men will be raped. this implies that all

Despite the fact that the matter came to court originally because the father had failed to return the baby to its mother, this judge not only ordered the mother to stop breastfeeding, but also ordered that the child spend six hours per day, four days per week with its father. The Family Court changed this to two days

Apparently you have never met the dreader abortion monster. He has a hook for one hand and a vacuum hose for the other. According to the old catholic legends he hangs out near secular libraries, drive-in theatres (because he is unaware what year it actually is), and the family planning section of any grocery store. He

I hated, HATED early fall and late spring. I lived in the midwest and it would get into the 90s with a humidity of 90%. There was no way to be comfortable and be within the dress code limits unless i altered clothing. They didn’t even make clothes for our age group at the main clothing retailers. The winter was great

Right?! I have to stop myself from wondering whether or not the dress i like is appropriate. I’m fucking 27! I’ll wear whatever I’m comfortable in.

I’m the same way - when i get drunk around my partner i get suoer handsy and often naked. And if he gets drunk he is also quite handsy.

If they didn’t want to live on an african savanna then they shouldn’t have moved to an extremely arid climate like california. It, like nevada, is not set up to remain perpetually green. Oregon has deserts and forests and snowy mountains - but we don’t try to make the deserts green. We don’t build up property there

I’m glad they brought up whether or not there was consent when both parties are drunk/stoned/etc. I’ve had drunk hook ups with equally drunk partners. There is no abuse of power in that scenario. Ive also had sex where i was drunk and they were not...and it was an ethically grey area but because they were my partner

Yea, i put it in my will that you can use all my organs for donation - except my eggs. Those are not to be touched.

Exactly. I would deal with her food issues in a fashion similar to that of a food restriction problem. You can’t forced someone with anorexia or a purging issue to eat more/not purge the same way you can’t get someone with binge eating issues to just stop eating. Its all about balance and a lot of therapy. And likely