
Credit where credit is due; that’s some commitment to some racial appropriation.

omg, faux-latto. i spit out coffee.

am i allowed to be impressed by her hair game?

when i first saw her i thought; “yea. she looks like a light-skinned or black/white mixed woman.” as a mixed but most definitely white looking person (choctaw and white over here) i gave her the benefit of the doubt. but all i need to do to “prove” my lineage is present

Yes. Its...what the name implies...all things icky. Do not go look at it - basically crime scene photos of dead ladies. Adorbs, right?

If they could remove r/cutefemalecorpses and r/coontown that would be great too.

Apparently she’s the al sharpton of fat (please tell me whether not that’s pc because i honestly have no idea and do not want to unintentionally offend) people and speaks for all.

My dad apparently made amazing berry pies in his younger days and he made pies for many, many weddings. Like, 20 at my last count. He has yet to make one of these awesome pies for his children though. They must be wedding-only pies.

Ehlers-danlos is not a bleeding disorder. its a congenital issue with joints and cartilage/collagen. either way though, she would have had a high risk pregnancy.

i mean, she’s definitely not flat in the middle or anything. she could have given birth elsewhere. there are A LOT of unanswered questions.

You can accessorize WITH kids if you try hard enough. I once turned a toddler into a babling, fabulous frock. She clearly doesn’t see a money-maker when its gestating right in front of her.

...I’ve played soccer for like 20 years, on all girl and co-ed teams. There’s nothing anti-feminist about the sport...your opinion is confusing.

also this made me laugh very hard. people started staring at me.

i once planted a bunch of flowers when i am not, in fact, a honeybee or hummingbird.
crazy time, man.

don’t. that was word magic.

agreed on all points. i worked at the Great Italian Bread Stick Emporium for awhile in college - half the kitchen staff was stoned most of the time. I’m still fairly certain one of the dishwashers/break stick butter glazers was dealing out of one of the walk-ins. if all of them were to be arrested for smoking then we

i remember when i was around 15 and my period arrived a few days early. i need to change my pad and was in the middle of class (not enough time between classes to do so). i dropped on when i grabbed them out of my bag. dude (pos named kevin) started laughing and jeering. i just stared at him, picked it up, and put it

i have several books on my shelf right now all referencing forced hair cutting as a form of child abuse. if the DOJ considers it abuse when being used as corporal punishment in juvenile detention/correction facilities then it goes to reason that parents who forcibly cut their children’s hair are also committing abuse.

just the link i was looking for. perfect. all i could give was references to specific books citing forced hair cutting as abuse. good find.

its considered a cutaneous manifestation of child abuse. while cutaneous generally refers to skin, hair is under the umbrella - such as waxing, burning, dyeing, or removing hair by force. it violates child bodily rights.
i don’t have links for you, just many physical books. The 5th edition of “Youth At Risk” by