
my day was once unmade by having to clean poop out of the scented candle aisle. there were so many conflicting smells happening i felt dizzy.

you’d think they’d automatically be considered rape victims, but i’ve met so many people who assume they are willing participants. once even met a dad who disowned his daughter for “slutting around all over.”
“no, sir. she was coerced and kidnapped by a pimp and forced into prostitution before being rescued and being

i’ve seen this happen working in juvenile residential care. we had many girls who were victims of sex trafficking and more than once did we have pregnant ones (or we discovered the pregnancy during intake exams/bloodwork). nearly all of them wanted to abort.
but they’re wards of the they rely

I will definitely concede to the idea that there were urgency poops in the mix, especially with children. But no way were every single on of these urgency poops. That’s way too many people. Too. Many. No one has an emergency poop in the middle of an aisle. Just right there - perfectly piled. Unacceptable.

why. do. people. poop. in. non-bathrooms?!
i’ve worked at a craft store, a library, and several restaurants. but i have found poop in aisles, behind displays, in hallways located near the actual bathrooms, and under tables. why? why? why? Why?! WHYYY?!

assuming its still there; Shannon’s 5 Star. haha. pretty decent food, lot’s of stick to your ribs sort of meals.

I was in France for a brief 2 weeks when i was 17 and I remember a few times being garassed on the metro. My imperfect french made it all the more scary. I was warned about keeping a look out for pick pockets, but not harassment.

this remind me of a waitress i worked with at a small, family restaurant in Bloomington, IL. she was perfectly nice and not dreadful at her job, just a little ditzy sometimes. one day, during that slow spread between 2pm and 4pm, we were just prepping stations and getting sections ready for the evening shift servers.

i’m dying. just dying.
i decided to read this at the library while taking a break during research and laughed just...sooo loudly and couldn’t stop until my laughing became that noiseless gasping sort of laugh.

i love you for this because its hilarious.
but i also hate you for it because it made me laugh like my mom. this sort of singular, loud/nasally “HA!”

because when you made the kid someone else is a step-parent to then you consented to the kid being made. you were part of the entire process. you got together and accidentally/intentionally made a baby together and likely chose to give birth to it. you then broke up with that person later knowing someone else would

sorry about the multiple posts but i can’t stop thinking about this now. i went through my mental catalog of exes and was imagining scenarios where they would raise my children without me...fuck. my most recent ex - i’ll concede to the fact that he (once his shit is together) would be a great dad and if he was sterile

i agree. obviously with embryos no one is being forced to carry/abort a fetus, but the idea is generally the same.

i agree almost 99%. Madeleine brings up an excellent point about abortion. No one should be forced to have a baby or abort a fetus. And if you don’t want your embryos used then you should be able to terminate them.

uck. all messy. all terrible.
if they were my embryos and i was not going to use them...oh man. in this hypothetical situation for myself i see it like this: i would feel super weird if my ex was making babies with my DNA and raising them without my say. i mean, i made those with him and intended to raise those

its all appalling. we’re going to end up with a bunch of prisoners resembling holocaust victims - emaciated, weak, and struggling. things are already less than ideal for them, but they should not be worrying about being fed. and the tent city...i can’t even.

ick. that should not be a reason to vote for someone...

also, how is that tent city not a huge human rights violation?!

wait. wait. waaaiiiit. doesn’t forcing the entirety of that prison population violate various laws?
and only 2 meals a day? i’m not completely clear on the laws regarding AZ laws regarding the amount of food prisoners but 2 meals a day is unlikely to be sufficient. we all know there is virtually no money in budgets

then tumblr(ed) it. let’s help him win!