
this is so upsetting. thankfully, i have never sought out an abortion, had a miscarriage, or needed that particular drug. but i have bought the morning after pill on about 2 different occasions. i had the pharmacist refuse to sell them to me as well, even though i was 21 and 24 both times. well above the “no younger

whoa. magic medication.

oh! That makes sense. Thankfully mine all seem to grow in the same direction. They're just thin. thanks!

Can someone explain the benefits of brow gel? i just use a dark pencil to fil them in and make them look a little more full.

I saw this exact commercial on hulu today and was just yelling “lies” every time they transitioned to a new speaker.

have you ever spent time with someone with alzheimers? she could, part way through sexual contact, no longer remember what is going on or who her husband is or what is even happening. it would be scary and traumatizing. one cannot consent to future activity with this kind of condition. my grandmother once hit her

ugh. my grandmother died of alzheimers and her decline was quick and sad. she forgot all our names, thought my grandpa was still alive (died 26 years ago), stopped wearing her teeth, then couldn’t figure out how to eat solids, started losing faculty after faculty. it was pretty clear to all of us she could not consent

obviously the sepsis is merely punishment for us being whores and junk.

That’s an excellent question and i had never considered that before. I mean, as a counselor i would never tell a client factually incorrect information regarding their status or legalities regarding different situations because its their right to be fully informed. I assume doctors would function under the same f a woman has a miscarriage that doesn’t fully evacuate will she have to prove she needs a D&E? How are they going to enforce this? who will be deciding? Is HIPPA not a thing anymore?

ha! good for you though. gotta work with what you got sometimes.
the main reason the judge sided with him was because there were consistent reports of him to have continuing abusive behavior with his new wife. plus he had the assault charges from his ex wife. it showed a history and the judge was not comfortable

Right?!?! I’ve worked with kids of all ages. As a nanny and as a counselor. When i was a counselor i had a handful of clients become fixated in different ways. Some little boys and 1 girl developed crushes, which is normal and developmentally expected. I had other kids displace their feelings in different ways, like

Oh yea. He just...has such complicated feelings about all of this. He clearly loves his daughters despite how they were created and seems desperate to protect them. And she’s just...somewhere else. She has no accurate grasp on the reality of what’s been going on. He wants to get away from her. He wants to feel love

Her face screams “i have a histrionic personality disorder so please approve of me and my vile actions” While Vili’s says “someone please help me - i have ptsd, internal value issues, and a constant flow of anxiety.”

Its like kids who grow up with racist parents - they might not realize the issues when they’re young, but as they get older more pieces will click together.

I had similar incidents at my school too. One female teacher slept with 3 male students, all 18 at the time, and she got pregnant from one. She was fired but didn’t technically break the law so she’s still out and about. Another was a male teacher and a female student, 17 i think. We all knew about it. She switched

Her face screams histrionic personality disorder all over the place.

Who knew that real life would bring us a more unreliable narrator than Nabokov. I mean, everything about her screams “Humbert Humbert!” to me. She definitely went as far as to put some of the blame on him too, despite him being 11 when it began (I’m being generous because i feel the grooming probably started when he

I had a similar experience flying from O’hare to Switzerland’s airport whose name escapes me. I was 17 at the time (school trip for french class to france for 10 days - it was fancy business) and didn’t know what to do. He asked me to move. I said it was my seat and that i couldn’t just move. He tried to flag down an

welcome to another episode of “you can’t win!” brought to you by the makers of “that’s not your uterus, that’s our uterus,” “welfare-schmelfare,” and “but he’s a black guy so it’s fiiiiiiiine.” And here’s your host, Dick Cheney.