

my cousin had to deal with this all the time. her ex-husband raped her and she got pregnant (but its not rape because they were married, am i right guys?) even though she pressed assault charges and everything he’s clearly a fit parent and should be raising a child, obvs.
they had joint custody. the kid is 11 now - and did it continue on for 3 more years without her family doing anything about it?

agreed. my father is a POC and he often had issues within his own precinct and has acknowledged the problems of racism within the police force, and told me how the requirements and tests required to become an officer have gotten very...lax and seem to be geared towards selecting those who the rest of us would consider

My father was an officer for 30+ years and he said, in all that time, it maybe happened a dozen times. So less than once a year. he’s also only fired his weapon not even half a dozen times, only one resulted in a death (the man that died was going to stab his daughter so I’m not shedding any tears). But my dad said

Its true. Its an incredibly fascinating code they follow as well as the established hierarchy. Child sex crimes/murder, rape, and murder of women often result in block separations. Not sure whete this particular crime will fall, but I’m interested in finding out.

The sell-by dates and when its no longer safe to eat aren’t often overlapping. most stuff is still good for a week or so after the sell-by date. My dad worked in a gricery store through highschool and learned all the tricks. He was the master of grocery shopping on a budget.

Me too! (Raiding cclearance meat that is- I’m just under the poverty line). Sometimes i will treat myself to some fancy cuts from the fresh stuff in the glass case (like once a month) otherwise i buy steak that will be past the sell-by-date tomorrow and cook it up today. But i live near the coast so seafood is fairly

My partner and i are about to get a SNAP card (both of us in grad school its rough and its still tight with us both working - i work full time too) and i can’t imagine how my diet would change with those provisions. Like, we eat fish as our main, damn protein. And no energy drinks? The fuck, man? How do you expect me

oh, mom hair. i always grew up assuming it would happen to me. all the women in my family have hair that got progressively shorter with age. my grandmother sort of had a helmet of short curls. both her daughters (my mother and aunt) had long hair when i was young but my aunt has a pixie cut now and my mom's hair is

that website. is. gold. oh. my. goodness. i am all over this. how did i never learn any of this? are there secret beauty conventions that i lost invitations to? so i have a rectangle face with round eyes and i have these thin lips that i can totally give definition and fullness. this site is magic.

wow. Thanks so much for responding! And i love the info. I will look into all of that! I've been considering signing up for birchbox or something but it all seems a little intimidating. I always want to wear makeup but never do because i don't really know what I'm doing...unless its stage makeup. You want a realistic

i love all of these. I always have dry skin issues, but then oily skin between ny eyebrows. I can never find anything that makes my skin feeled cared for- like most moisturizers just feel like its caked on my skin. Are any boxes great for skin care stuff?

I think we need to stop relying on beef in general. Bison is better, native, and consumes native plant life. And just focusing on better farming practices. Like, i dunno, not trying to grow water sensitive crops in god damn deserts.

Bison! Bison are native and eat native plants that don’t need excessive water. Plus its delicious. Have you had bison? Better than beef.

Lol. Don’t get me wrong. Because I would kill for a cheeseburger right now. But I know that the way we farm and raise cattle is not sustainable. Cows are not even native to this continent. We just need to learn to eat better for the environment. And i found some super yummy veggie recipes. So i will stick to fish and

Last i heard the issue was an affordable housing crisis. And a lot of the newly developed areas are for pretty high tax brackets.

I already cut out beef and pork and am trying this weekday vegetarian thing. Plus i just never buy bottled water. Baby steps and not a huge impact, but its a start.

Agreed. If i could use it i would, but curently it results in 2 months of bleeding and pain followed by the gyno removing it and switching back to the pill. My crevice was just like "girl, not even."

not all of us can use an IUD :(