
"Just a gentle reminder here not to put your criminal activity on Facebook, unless you'd like it to serve as a testament to your absolute and shattering idiocy."

I had the same questions. Thanks. This helped me better understand the issues. I hope there are lots of gay-friendly churches registered with the state. They might have just made gay marriage easier.

I'm wondering if obtaining the affidavit would be difficult. And would they have less rights than the marriage licenses issued by clergy? Basically the same questions you asked earlier. Because i can see unitarians or any other gay-friendly church just handing those licenses out. My friends kieth and larry got married

eat your tuna then eat a bunch of kale or chard or spinach or whatever. prevents the mercury from building up in your system. done. i mean, onions and garlic are fucking full of arsenic. everything is killing us all the time. just's just simmer down about what people are eating, especially pregnant women. they so do

really early in the day/week to just loudly NOPE and close my laptop. Angry/disgusted/sad - the work week begins.

not sure if you've ever been a pregnant or in labor woman, or in a delivery room, but they don't exactly have access to sharp instruments and certain precautions are taken for civilians and inmates. Nor are they the most ambulatory in their conditions. The focus tends to be more on getting the baby safely out of their

can i call for a country-wide uterus protest? No one gets babies until we can do it our way - safely (that includes abortions). I will type up a draft of our terms. We need a team for writing reproductive system puns.

they could take a trip to hobby lobby.

i feel like i have mild ptsd from being a server in some unbelievably shitty situations and reading all these makes me sad laugh. if that makes sense.

1. factually incorrect- unless alabama also has the death penalty as a punishment for pedophilia then texas has the most severe laws against pedophilia. then there's virginia who has life sentences for sex crimes against children. alabama does not have that either. sure, alabama has the children's safety act of 2005

to be fair, a lot of states had chapters. Alabama's were just much more open about it....and no one seemed to stop it.

yes, those christian conservative values do make you special, alabama. you also allowed for nambla chapters to operate in your state fairly freely. so... no to the gays, but yes to the pedophiles. gotcha.
my father (retired police officer) and his co-workers often referred to alabama as alabanambla.

i drew the exact same line. no worries. i feel like its a bad omen anyway. like i met this girl who wore a wedding dress purchased by a woman who left her fiance and never wed in it and she also had a wedding ring set that was bought for the same woman. it feels like bad luck brewing to me.

geez, that's a lot of chances. if she were a young, non-white person she would have gone to prison the first time.
i have a client (young, poor, mixed race gentleman) who went to jail for 90 days after his first drug arrest (when he had less than an ounce). sure pays to be a wealthy, white person.
while i am willing

Is there a way to get the people of HIPPA to call him on his shit? like demand some sort of investigation to basically prove he was lying or that a clear violation happened. I'm ok with either result.

i really want the people of HIPPA to call him on his shit. They should demand an investigation as a very clear violation occurred.

not wanting to sound misandrist is one thing- actually being misandrist by finding genital mutilation funny specifically because he's a male is another.

am i the only person who does not find the spousal abuse/genital mutilation funny? Because its not funny- its horrifying.

my plan is to watch the election results from my car...waiting at the canadian border (as it is the closest border to me) and depending on how it goes determines if i drive across the border and hang out for the next four years or if i drive back to oregon to be cautiously optimistic.

so, when i was 11 i was invited a friend's church for some sort of summer camp. She was independent baptist and i was (at the time) catholic and had never been in a baptist church. According to church history we should have been sworn enemies- in retrospect, had either of us actually been religious for preteens, we