
not to nitpick, but is there anything saying a gay man would not rape a woman? we know rape is not about sex. if a gay man can fuck a woman he is dating while in the closet he can rape one too.

or enrage him. there might be no winning.


maybe there is a point system we are not aware of. in which case i do not want any points. or i do. i'm not sure how their system works.

i see what you did there. and i approve.

what criteria do we need to not meet? Is there a secret signal we need to make sure to not do?

"I would not rape you. You don't merit that."

banning female ejaculation is definitely sexist. only guys are allowed to do that, i guess.
and exactly what are objects associated with violence that should nit be used for penetration? i can understand ones that are potentially dangerous just by their very design (anything made out of glass comes to mind).

Yea. At least he's the-love-everyone-as-your-brother kind and not the promotion of killing gays or bombing women's health clinics kind. Like he's not judgemental at all (at least not outwardly) and just super nice to everyone now.

exactly how else are they to travel very large distances with the entirety of their families? i knew a couple who adopted a baby from a foreign country a few years ago (i think it was the Philippines). were they supposed to take a boat home? people have babies and still need to travel. just buckled down and deal. the

correct me if i'm wrong, but don't most airlines have policies about not letting pregnant women fly past a certain point during gestation? like mid-second trimester or something of that nature. or that you need clearance from your doctor if you look anywhere near 7 months?
otherwise, i assume she had no idea she was

i was one of the lucky ones who's middle school/early high school bully apologized our 12th year. He had become a born-again christian and was dating a girl i was friends with (who he eventually married and they're adorable). I had talked about the bullying in our 9th year with her, before they ever met, and i guess

eventually they are just going to try and take custody of our uteri all together. silly women, that body part does not belong to you. in fact, we are just gonna take over this whole waist-down area.

i am very sorry for your cousin but that is a perfect example of how easy they make it to become a cop these days. if you are going to hold any sort of authority over the general population while also being armed the testing needs to be far more rigorous.

story time!

i guess rape only matters if our male partners are hurt by it too. Don't worry about mary, francis is the real victim- she's simply the plot device.

a friend of mine was once beat up by her boyfriend (now ex) and the first thing we did in the morning (it happened at like 1am) was go to the police station to file a report and then went to the courthouse to petition for an order of protection/restraining order. when we did get a courtdate she stood there, her lip

i am more and more convinced that the store is just a giant and profitable troll.

i was under the impression that they could. but it might vary from state to state. i know that in my hometown my friend was beat up by her ex-boyfriend and when she declined to press charges the city pressed charges and prosecuted him anyway.

the quote i put there maybe? did nothing in that tidbit not upset you? perhaps the idea that women are bullied into recanting and then punished for it?