
WAR says that many of the women convicted of making false claims were actually victims of rape, but were pressured by the police into retracting their complaints and then criminally charged for lying to the police. Of the 109 women jailed, 98 have been charged with "perverting the course of justice," an offense that

can someone please tell me why no criminal charges were filed against him again? or were there? even if his wife wouldn't press charges why did the Prosecutor choose not to do so ? its not like there wasn't hard evidence because there is a video of him knocking her fucking unconscious in an elevator. they would not

i agree. the system in place for women to leave their abusive husbands is not entirely safe. there are various organizations that are essentially underground railroads for women to use to escape (and if they have children it can become the crime of kidnapping- since few women would leave their children with an

a lot of people are only verbally abusive online and not often in person. but that is not to say that people who are abusive online are not so in person. we don't have enough information to make any sort of statistical spread. abuse in person and abuse with distance like the internet might not correlate at all- it

yes and no. if they are a married adult male then it could be effective- but it could also be dangerous for the wife. we cannot always assume she would be safe. if its a child or adult and we contact their mother there is implied distance and safety. statistically speaking, male children/adults are far less likely to

like children, adults also need to be taught lessons as well.

I can attest to that. I used to work in residential treatment for kids ages 7 to 18. In the younger groups we had several who were lower functioning and had experienced sexual abuse. Regardless on their neurological development they suffered just as much trauma (though how one experiences trauma is on a sliding scale)

I did before it sort made a loud, electric popping noise and smoke started coming out of the back. Followed by silence and darkness forever. And I'll just snag a new one after prices go down during the holidays. So, its not like i don't own one by choice. Ha.

rabbit ears. hilarious. not particularly helpful when you don't own a television.

will it be available on the internet at all? i don't have cable at all so no PBS (just a netflix and hulu account over here).

I actually tend to hate them as well. but every so often, and this varies from show to show, the episode ends up creating the lens needed to view these incidents the way we are supposed to. And that is only because end up with character development and humanization (which shouldn't be fucking necessary for empathy to

unfortunately there is no way to know how they're going to use that information. They could use it as a factor and we would never know.

i think a lot of people, myself included, feel that way. we need to tread lightly this time. being accused of being in the KKK is tantamount with being accused of being a commie back in the 50s (even though communists are not inherently bad but you get what i mean).
my father is a retired police officer and if he were

agree on all of these points. i mean, even women's clothing is not designed for longevity-even if made by the same company. my partner and i both went to H&M to get some new pants and cardigans last year. I needed to replace those pants after about a year because they wore thin and got small holes (mostly in the inner

while i genuinely enjoy giving oral sex (only with my current partner though- i found it lackluster in past relationships) he's not gonna get that everyday because I've got stuff to do, he's got stuff to do, its getting colder and we'd rather just fondle each other under warm blankets, and we also value each other for

i had a friend who recently gave birth vaginally after having had her first through an emergency c-section. and getting her dr on board with the vbac was an unnecessary uphill battle. but even the basic language of discussing pregnancy and birth can be ostracizing and diminishing. so many use the words "naturally" or

the thing about "personhood" is that it is and will always be impossible to determine when that begins; legally or otherwise. legally the line needs to be this and i will illustrate it with a baseball:

when i first saw the headline i was a little mad- because i grew up with a dad who made dinner pretty much every night. and it was always damn delicious. but then i read through it, as is the smart thing to do, and saw the farce. hurrah.
but seriously. this sort of thing needs to not exist because its demeaning to us

I live in portland. I hope we get an update if caught.

different states have different laws about that kind if thing- FL has no such laws protecting her identity. But accusers are far more likely to ve threatened/attacked than the accused. The witness protection program exists for a reason. He has the money and means to protect himself, she likely does not.