
i have literally only seen that behavior done by toddlers, incarcerated youths/adults (prison or mental health care facility), and a handful of just downright loony-bins. one time i found a sink full of bloody water and a used tampon. it was a starbucks on a slow afternoon- only one female patron in there. i asked her

i worked at an olive garden over a summer once and saw some asshole throw breadsticks at a fellow server (something to do with his macchiato drink not being to his liking on top of his garlic shrimp caprese pasta being too garlic-y. WTF were you expecting, man?) i walk over there followed by another server nearby. i

it does, yes. I've never gone to her extreme though. For me its purely occasional. It can be dangerous if you don't lace properly. And you can bruise like hell. It also depends in the material and type of corset as well (hourglass vs waist cincher or steel boning vs feather boning or).

we should carry around little pamphlets containing some basic HIPAA bullent points. Just handing them out everywhere.

Have you seen "After Tiller"? Its a fascinating documentary about the few laterm abortion providers in the country. They show cases and you can see just how devestated these families are in choosing a late term abortion- nearly all having to do with disorders or developmental issues with the fetus. Its heartbreaking.

Ummmm, while I believe all human beings are capable of positive change in their lives- there is no way I would ever knowingly let a convicted child molester anywhere near my children. that's a non-starter. I am hoping TLC steps in to ensure the safety of all children involved. And heres hoping mom doesn't get full

That makes sense. I assumed they might have been late term abortions. Either way they're playing dirty pool.

looks like I fed the troll too much.

Charges were filed but did not stick. Since nearly anyone can and would buy antihistamines for various reasons his possession of them was not a smoking gun. There was no "proof" that he was the one to drug them since they went out in public before returning her home. And the rape charges didn't stick either for all

Other drugs that have been associated with date rape:

I'm sort of on the same page as you. his religion dictates he cannot touch or be touched by a female who is not a relative. By the same token a female prisoner would have same rights regarding male guards. Its not horribly difficult to work around. Either everyone can practice religious freedom (within reason) or no

You did not read it, obviously. Antihistamines PLUS alcohol EQUALS passing out. Every label ever says not to mix them for those reasons. And 1 or 2 benadryls make you sleepy. 5 or 6 knocks you on your ass.

of course there are. i, for one, am pro-choice but super don't like abortions and would likely not have one myself unless it were medically necessary; because that is my choice.
but, does anyone really like the idea of abortions? i think everyone would prefer we lived in a society where birth control availability,

or at least have a little warning of sorts.
i am pro-choice, but still do not want to see images of aborted fetuses.

what's scary is that so many things besides benzodiazepines can be used to drug someone. i knew a girl whose date gave her a bunch of antihistamines (unbeknownst to her) and combined with the alcohol basically made her pass out. she was unresponsive for hours and he did what he intended. as soon as she realized she

well, out of all the millions of sperm released into the vagina during heterosexual sex only one of them can get your pregnant. so no worries about birth control ladies. only 1 in a million will fertilize that egg.
that's exactly how ridiculous she sounds.

Her descriptions of the procedure made me nauseous and gave me a minor anxiety attack. Still trying to come down, actually.

Ugh. Child porn is not something you simply stumble upon by chance.
1. Legit porn sites will not have links to it, feature it, etc. Not even hidden links within the site. Even they don't participate in that knowing how illegal it is. And most are morally opposed to child rape.
2. The people who produce and distribute

The BCO articles give me endless pleasure. Everytime I read them I think "I'm not alone."

I have not read that article and obviously I must find and devour it.