
The people making the policies are older, affluent, white men. Who have likely always been affluent (and white) and they do not know how it works. Just like they don't know how the female reproductive system really works. They have basically created a series of laws and policies designed to keep the cycle going-

I tend to go on carb binges because I know I will be fuller longer that way. But I do the sugar binges plenty as well- especially cake as it was pretty much birthday contingent growing up.

"a nation that cannot feed itself is not a great nation." -Charles de Gaulle

They also fail to recognize the cycle created by allowing for multiple generations living this way.

Unfortunately, that weight issue is extremely common for those who grow up in such situations. Either they overeat to avoid wasting food or they restrict their food intake so others have more (I was the latter and it contributed to an eating disorder down the line). Our culture influences our cognition so growing up

this means so much. i grew up low-income and my dad always made sure we had food on the table. even if it meant watering down potato soup to spread it out over longer periods of time. lots of peanut butter sandwiches on stale bread. but i was aware of how precarious the situation was and it was very stressful. that's

it can happen depending on the city. my father was a police officer and there were a few men on his precinct that had second jobs- usually in security though.

I never leave the house without my suit of armor. Because it could happen to anybody...

I personally enjoy DP from time to time, but you can't exactly just slip it in there. But maybe that's specific to my butt as it's not always ready and willing to cooperate- its obviously not for everyone and if you never wanna try it that's totally fine (I tried just to see if I could be into it- and I can so yay).

oral sex is definitely the work around a lot of us employed to keep up with the whole virgin thing. But if we're gonna be honest, assuming he actually gives a shit, I don't think god is spiltting hairs when concerning with orifices or parts you use. Sex is sex.

I know I regularly pimp out my servant girls to my husband, for the bible tells me so.

do we know if the therapist knew the session(s) was being recorded? Therapists, usually, are required to get consent when recording sessions and if the therapist knew then he would be party to it. I'm just curious as to how this all unfolded. As a QMHP I'm very strict about proper documentation. Sigh.

If the abuse is on-going you must report it. If they are instances of abuse in the past then reporting is not required.

in what universe can you record a therapy session without telling the therapist or client? While laws might vary state-by-state, a therapist must tell their client if sessions are being recorded. Should a client of a group or joint therapy session record other clients without consent things get a little more grey

the 7th heaven thing is super upsetting to me. I grew up watching that show. And what he definitely did was wrong- but its illegal to record therapy sessions and her lawyer should have known that. The therapist is a mandatory reporter so it would've gotten reported anyway. But as a counselor, the idea of someone

I wouldve taken an F for the assignment. No way. I can barely tolerate trained professionals doing it.

Aaahhhh! I know you were probably older but I'm just imagining a bunch of 7 year olds trying to do that to each other in school after a brief lesson. Horrifying.

never waste a delicious crepe.

I do agree the legal charge was overkill- but he implied the teacher was sleeping with students. And that's a big deal. If it is factual than it warrants an investigation. And if the kid did just say it as a joke then that is not ok either as it only serves to further push the idea that false accusations are a regular

I like to think this will result in some positive change. In order to prevent facing hefty FCC fines a lot of stations will just have to refer to the team as something else, like 'Washington' or something- which could result in more people getting used to hearing and saying that instead of the word 'Redskins.'