
I'm not sure which tribe is the biggest in the country, but in certain areas specific tribes are more populous and therefore the name is more identifiable. The Cherokee are spread out from Oklahoma through Tennessee and into areas near DC. While the Navajo occupy areas from California through New Mexico and up into

they are the most populous group but they are also comprised of other tribes. When white settlers landed here the Cherokee had the most land and extensive trade routes with the aztecs and vikings. After that whole trail of tears business they were scattered around and and several tribes co-mingled. Cherokee, Choctaw,

I sort of hate that cherokee is the only tribe people know. As a person who IS Cherokee and Choctaw it gets real old real fast when it becomes a group people cling to as some sort of token or pass. I guess the people of the Cherokee nation are the new black friend you never meet.

Unfortunately, there is some sort of disconnect when trying to understand the cognitive development of youth. A 14 year old cannot consent to sex because we know they don't understand the consequences of their actions. But if they were to commit a crime we sentence them as adults and give them adult punishments. That

you do realize that hormonal birth control serves more purposes than just pregnancy prevention right? Such as amenorrhea, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, regulating irregular periods, and tackling anemia- among others. And depending on the type of pill and dosage the cost changes. With health insurance I

the pregnancy trauma was just piling on top of all the trauma she was already dealing with. She felt like she was drowning (exact words). Every time she felt the baby move she winced. We had to put her on CO status (constant observation) in case she might hurt herself. But that order wasn't enough to justify the need

while she was a ward of that state at the time- she had the kind of mother who would've been likely to sue (very pro-life) after getting back custody. And it was clear that the judge was in the pro-life camp as well. We asked for a different judge, but there's a bit of a ticking clock when it comes to being able to

I don't remember all the issues at play at the time, but we did try that route. Her case worker and whoever else was involved said that due to her drug addiction and psychiatric diagnosis that she was not competent (she was totally competent- they just didn't want to allow her to get an abortion). Even her therapist

are you a troll? I can't tell. Probably.

my heart is breaking for that family on top of the rage building in me. I literally just watched the documentary "After Tiller" last night (you should watch it, its a fantastic look at the only drs who preform late term abortions and the struggles all patients face).

someone needs to tell the texas court what paternalism actually means. Also what autonomy is.

Exactly! i always have the right to say 'no.' or the safety word. or whatever the agreement is. any legit person in the bdsm community would lay out those basic rules to newbies.

50 Shades definitely created some problems. Especially when you consider the fact that the book aligns everything you would see in a purely abusive relationship, not a consensual sexual relationship. Dom/sub relationships all have their own rules and limits and dynamics, but what is being presented by that man is not

fucking right?! my partner and i practice light bdsm somewhat regularly and it has to be safe and consensual and there has to be a lot of fucking trust. he clearly coerced her into all of it and it was straight up abuse. he didn't want a partner- he wanted a slave. he is the wrong kind of sadist.

this is amazing.

I have had similar experiences. I'm mixed but benefit from looking far more caucasian so I am not bothered much (by police officers). My father, however, routinely got crap, despite the fact that he was also a police officer. They usually got super embarrassed when they realized...And my sister would get a little more

i agree and disagree. while i definitely see why you would want her fired for committing that crime, i do not think it will effect her ability to properly prosecute. lots of counselors for drug addicts are former addicts. if anything she will only be able to better empathize or understand any client who comes through

this is ever so delightful. goes to show that you should not go around dealing with government issues like a self-entitled bully (who also is not too bright).

as a POC and daughter of a POC police officer i always feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when stories like this hit the news. because i straddle the line. while i have never faced any violent, racist acts against myself (mostly because i am mixed and look just "white" enough) i know the racism all too well

While I fully believe he still has the RIGHT to an education (not the privilege as other people have commented) I do not think he should be attending the same school his victim might still attend (I hope she was able to change schools and get some semblance of privacy). The sex offender laws for this particular case