
if only we could tell IS "hey, you're being a jerk." and they would say "you're right. i guess we are just being huge jerks. we should stop." war over.

in my experience it seems the juvenile legal system is overly paternalistic and it needs some changes in practice and policy. Many if the laws influencing the policies are based on outdated information regarding neurological, emotional, and mental development.

I'm not saying all can, but I am saying some can. I worked at a residential treatment center for young offenders. We did a lot of cognitive behavioral therapy and the success rate for these kids upon leaving was amazing. The fact that they still have so much neuro-plasticity worked in our favor. But by assuming none

I used to work at a residential treatment center for teenagers (and younger children) most of whom were there because of crimes they committed and they were there in lieu of prison or on their way from detention. I have seen the rehabilitation happen, its not impossible. We had a client who tried to kill his own

every time i read stuff like this i just want to signal boost the shit out of it. if everyone is aware and detests it maybe the company can be shamed into changing things. especially if they lose business.

if they were actually rehabilitation centers with access to therapy and counseling and not giant buildings full of smaller cages where we basically warehouse them all day then the system would work better.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who pushes for rehabilitation. They're 18, their brains won't be done developing their prefrontal cortex for another 5 years. They can easily be rehabilitated. Do they need to be in prison until they're 80? Of course not. It doesn't help the victim or teach the rapists anything other than

Abortion is illegal in Thailand. She literally had no choices as far as that was concerned. And the biological parents should have known that ahead of time.

Oh mannnn.
1. This couple should have to take responsibility (at least financially) for the child they left in Thailand. Biologically he is 100% there's. That is child abandonment whether they like it or not.
2. Yes, she did not have a reductive abortion like they wanted, but they should have put that possibility in

oh my goodness. i am not the only one?! i have a lucky day or 2 every so often where i don't have any, but most days i'm changing into a near pair by the late afternoon to be more comfortable for the rest of the day/night. sometimes its thin but other days it seems thicker. i used to worry something was wrong but i've

"if its just about qualities in the donor that has nothing to do with race then great, i see no reason why you should not be able to use that donor."
did you not read what i said?

as a mixed race person, this bothers me for several reasons.
1. so you want a mixed raced child. in and of itself, that is not terrible. but i want to know the motivations for the couple without fertility issues... are your own genes not sufficient? or is there another reason?
2. if its just about qualities in the

exactly. i am both sad and happy there are people who understand the struggle. but i wish the struggle didn't seem so deliberately thrust upon those of us stuck in it. things are tough and if my car breaks down i'm out of a job. its like i'm constantly battling an ulcer. and i know its like that for a lot of people.

to be fair, there's like 3 POC in that cast.

right? i mean, we were lucky that we had those kind of co-workers but we should not have been working while sick. the managers just did not understand or care. and if we went to tables sick then the customers would be very mad/judgmental. there is no winning, but supportive co-workers are always a blessing.

omg. i had the exact same thing happen at one of my old waitressing jobs. we pretty much all knew that we were going to be helping cover tables for our puking comrades. for at least a month or more we would be cleverly dividing sections like were divvying up territory because we knew someone would need to be sitting

do it undercover as a worker. is that allowed?

and i think its good for people to know and see that they aren't alone. we've all been through and are going through this shit. like, reading all of this i just get so work up emotionally because it all feels inescapable sometimes. like we are all struggling against a tide that is just going to overtake us.

this made me so angry/sad. i mean, i've worked in many restaurants and some were better than others but worrying about being fired for being sick was always a fear. and so many people just do not understand what its like to be low-income with virtually no job security. right now i have a car that isn't always reliable

that is all true. A basic breakeven and cost-benefit analysis shows how much money gets saved in the long run by funding such programs. What gets spent on an inmate yearly and what gets spent on one kid in a program yearly does not even come close to even, the inmate average around $58,000 and the kid around $9,000.