
las vegas is like a nightmare. the amount of water they waste on fountains that run constantly and keeping everything green boggles the mind. you're in the middle of a desert, las vegas. act like it.

just, fucking, do not shop here. i go out of my way to Michael's or Dick Blick or some other store. this company...ugh.

also this;

every now and then I make a big batch and just store it. It comes in handy on most days.


stephen fry consistently gives good advice.

also an excellent choice. I own the first 10 seasons and they are a regular part of my "fuck today" routine.

welp, reached the limit today. I vote we all go to bed and watch doctor who/supernatural/chopped/futurama/whatever until we fall asleep. And we can pretend all the things we read today just didn't happen. Its all cinnamon toast crunch and alcoholic ice cream over here.

do we know if a judge gave the go-ahead? If so then he needs to removed from the bench. Legal paternalism at its finest...ugh.

so we know for sure this wasn't back and forth between the two? Even if he sent her unsolicited images the prosecution should still not be taking such drastic steps, ie forced erections to photograph.

we are all flipping the fuck out. People are building extra fucks and flipping them a million times.

if that were my son I wouldn't let the prosecution near him. Fucking...what?! No fucks are given by the court apparently. Just going to victimize one boy because his girlfriend's mom can't deal with the fact that she's expressing her sexuality (albeit in a slightly unsafe way given those pictures could be forwarded

right? Its extremely one-sided. Punish both or neither ( I vote neither). This entire case needs to go away. I feel terrible for this kid. The court is actively victimizing him.

that is so disheartening. I guess us ladies just can't win. Don't have sex, have babies, don't have babies, etc. It never ends. We apparently can only exist under certain conditions to be acceptable- like the never ending paradox where we are always but also never pregnant unless the circumstances are just right.

It's all psycho-linguistics 101: if you feel the need to add that extra, unnecessary adjective as some sort of qualifier, such as in female CEO or male cheerleader, it implies a baseline, diminishes their accomplishments, and claims them to be outside of the "norm." saying something akin to "she holds the highest

they served aramark food at my highschool and it was atrocious. they made the switch sometime during my junior year and by our senior year we were all outraged. on more than one occasion i got a burger that was moldy and i had a friend who got rotten fruit salad a few times. it was just awful. we all started refusing

I just can't imagine dealing with the level if protesters Boston has outside of clinics. Here in Portland, OR there are protesters (it is a red state btw- Portland and Eugene being the exceptions) but the protesters are fairly...tame. At least the ones I've dealt with. They have signs and set up shop, but they don't

All homeless shelters have different rules but people do not get kicked out of them unless they broke laws or community guidelines. If she lost her spot it is likely she showed up too late one night and her bed was gone, or they had budget cuts and had to give up beds and cut down the population, or any number of

I feel bad for the kids right now. I wonder what they think is happening and I wonder how they will feel about it as adults.

ouf. That interview definitely presents them in a different light than the first article that ever popped up. Even if she had no knowledge of the labor laws she shouldn't be so defensive and unwilling to become informed. Since her immediate reaction was hostile I'd wager she knew it was wrong and didn't think she'd