That Bastard Kurtis - An Attempt to Standardize My Username Across Platforms

It looks like a small boat crashing into a rock.

How does one gag somebody with a condom? Asking for myself.

Once upon a time, I said that Trump’s relative candor and lack of polish was kinda refreshing...and I suppose this is refreshing in the same way.

I sure hope Shady followed Cris Carter’s rookie symposium advice and got himself a fall guy.

Frank Reynolds once said if he was looking for safe, he wouldn’t be sticking his dick through a hole in a wall.

“You have no idea how high I can fly.” - Michael Scott

I like her.  Socialism blows, but I like her...and I’m kinda thinking maybe the people are more important than the system.

If you thought they were actually changing their name for more than a quarter second...I honestly don’t know what to tell you.  Its like the most transparently blatant publicity stunt of all time.

Is the only argument against voter ID laws that it disproportionally effects minorities who maybe can’t afford to have an ID, or am I missing something else? I get why you should have to show an ID, but its ridiculous to me that you have to pay for an ID...if we provide IDs free of charge (but charge for a driver’s

TSA: Under no circumstances should that urn have been opened.

What a ‘glider’ truck is probably deserved some explanation here. It was described as a super polluting diesel truck, which is basically right but a glider truck is an unpowered chassis and cab that gets sold to another manufacturer to have an engine and transmission fitted. They’re often fitted with older model

The initial offer wasn’t even that wild. Starting at 86% of your ask is downright gentlemanly for Craigslist. 

What’s interesting to me is how little federal stuff like Roe v Wade would matter if people paid more attention to their state level politics. I live in a very blue state, if Roe v Wade is overturned federally it would just become state law out here and not have any real effect. People act like the federal government

Playing the Green Monster isn’t easy, and Portland apparently has a replica in their stadium. That said, he played it in the absolute worst way possible and I enjoyed watching it. 

This isn’t difficult. Sanders is a public servant, she and everybody else in the government is beholden to the public whenever they’re out amongst the public. If they’re home in their house, fine, leave them alone, whatever. But if they’re out, by all means approach and question them. 

Some championships mean more than others. And the Warriors championship this year is going to be totally worthless. 

I’m not familiar with the Lancer, but some brands program in faux gear ratios so you can pretend it’s not a CVT when you put it in sport mode or whatever. 

It’s LeJon Brames. 

I think you escalated this just the exact right amount.

You should have just printed Portnoy’s own version of Deadspin’s response. Aside from it coming from Tom Ley instead of Laura Wagner, it was pretty much spot on.