That Bastard Kurtis - An Attempt to Standardize My Username Across Platforms

Can’t argue that. Bojack is the sort of show that stays with you.

Truly, nobody circles the wagons when the last flicker of their celebrity flame is about to go out like Kathy Griffin. I’m not saying I like Harvey Levin or TMZ (I don’t mind Andy Cohen, but I know literally nothing about him beyond being the personable guy on WWHL), but holy shit its 2017 why is Kathy Griffin still

Was your saying Hollywoo here an accidental typo or a deliberate Bojack Horseman reference?

Eh, I think maybe it just seems that way because there’s something of a backlog of women now calling out their harassers. Women haven’t been doing it for various reasons, now were normalizing their ability to say something happened to them, so it feels like ‘holy shit, enough already’ but that’s just because of the

Wait, so I’m confused. Should I be okay with this because they’re not disrespecting the American troops, or angry because they’re disrespecting the German troops? Somebody needs to answer this and I’m pretty sure its Colin Kaepernick.

NESN was just hoping that, like the Red Sox’s 2017 season, it would just kinda quietly die off and nobody would talk about it anymore because the fahkin Pats are on, kid.

Some day you might meet somebody from Rhode Island, and you might have a conversation about regional differences with them. With 100% certainty I can guarantee you that the example they will give is to say “you know, in Rhode Island we call a milkshake a ‘cabinet’”. I want you and everybody else here to know that

I just flew JetBlue across country from Boston to Seattle, non-stop both ways, with my wife and toddler son...and it was probably the best flight experience I’ve ever had for the reasons you guys outlined. Free WiFi, good snacks, lots of room. Oh and flying non-stop from Logan cost 2/3 what flying Southwest from

They also booed the team’s performance in the 4th quarter. I mean we’ll never be St Louis Cardinals fans, but if any team in the world has earned never being booed by their home fans, it’s the New England Patriots. Our fan base does not deserve this team.

Some manufacturer, I forget who (Toyota?) used his theme song in an ad recently that led to this conversation with my wife:

Always Sunny is the best show, but never once have I thought I’d like to hang around with any of them for any amount of time.

I love Rick and Morty, okay? I love it. Its a great show. But I just hate the fanbase so, so much. Between April 1st and whenever the rest of the season started was just a bunch of 12 year olds screaming “SZECHAUN SAUCE MORTY!!!!” as loud as they could on the internet. I don’t know what it is about the show thats

“Are you saying ‘boo’, or ‘Goo-dell’?”

I do like that they’re putting stuff under the GR heading, because I still strongly feel that TRD is one of the most unfortunate acronyms in the auto industry.

Honestly, even the junkier of my two Miatas is a better car than that Corvette.

An ‘84 Corvette saved my not-yet-a-marriage when I sold it because my now-wife hated me for buying it. 

I think of that game every time I think of Kap not being in the league right now. You don’t just lose what Kap had in that game...dude was absolutely electric. I hated him before that game, but I respected the hell out of him afterwards and became kind of a begrudging fan. Geno Smith is on somebody’s payroll right

I think you actually missed his joke. Or maybe I’m missing both your jokes? I can’t rule that out.

I don’t think I’d say they mishandled it. They handled it exactly the way they meant to handle it and ‘mishandled’ sounds like a mistake to me. They 100% meant to handle it like shitheads.

This is the first time I’ve ever believed something Roger Goodell said.