Well at least the recycled the headlight design on the back of the JZA80
Well at least the recycled the headlight design on the back of the JZA80
It’s all well and good, until 30 years from now when Tesla (I mean it’s possible) falls from favour and little Ash Archangle finds himself in a regular crack head life when dad’s space money runs out.
The more they perfect things, and balance performance, the worse it gets.
Could this be a return to a ‘driver’s championship’?
Opel relaunched in Aus for a brief period, so we’ve got one of the few Opel badged Astras around.
Having owned an EF Fairmont, it’s clear you’ve never driven a Falcon.
In Australia a “prang” is a gender bender. Seems kinda fitting
Is that a bad thing?
The headlights and grill are all Stinger if you ask me
Does anyone else see a whole lot of Kia Stinger in that front end?
I had one of these. Such a crap car, but I loved it. Mine was black and the front badge had lost its colour exactly like this one.
I’m a big boy, look at my pipes! Just like an F40, ya know.
Just thinking of the loudest stock car around my way. Pretty sure it’s the C63 I see most mornings.
I don’t understand how she hasn’t been shot.
You’re self control astounds me. I’d have put it into a snow bank months ago
There’s a lot to be said for an under-stressed, torque rich at low RPM V12 in a car like this.
Thank you for sharing this inspirational tale.
Brilliant! So the issue will resolve itself once they roll enough coal to reach 4th grade comprehension skills?
I strongly disagree there. A “high powered” car can be used in a manner that has absolutely no impact on anyone but the driver. In fact, they can be shared and appreciated.