
At least our milk doesn't come in bags?

I remember coming across this stuff like, 15-20 years ago, and at the time the person with it said something similar: “this is the same chemical released when you die... or give birth” I love(d) chemicals as much as the next person, but that comment scared me off. 

damn, how much work has he had done to his face?

Is this a sports bra? bro? WTF????!

 Dont lump my BF DDL in with those other dudes...Especially Jim Carrey!

Man, even his golf club is white. 

Oh wow, I havent heard ANTIFA in a minute. Good times.

So she would have won the popular vote by 5.5 million instead of just 3m? Great comeback! 

2.5m?! BFD. There are 325m Americans. Youre talking about ~0.7%. Fuck these mouth breathers. 

The fact the new models are called the streetfighter and the live wire does not inspire hope that the brain trsut in Milwaukee has those problem solved. 

I watch a lot more boxing than MMA so I could be out of my depth here but it felt like the ref should have stopped the fight the second the dude dropped his hands and then fell into the fetal position...  Or was this normal by MMA standards?

Couldn’t remember the greatest truck in the world, no, this is just a tribute.

The coyote has the best business card.

C4 with saw blade rims would also be appropriate. 

Let’s be fair, all of the non-baseball stuff was the best part of Carl Everett’s career.

Challenge accepted

Hey man, leave my curly haired boyfriend alone!

Oh fuck off (Toyota, not you Raph)! Just show the goddamn car...or don’t. Show, dont tell, motherfuckers! 

The same amount of time Cleveland keeps starting QB’s.