
Thankfully, the world doesn’t run on your ignorance and no one gives a shit what you personally know about.

You aren’t welcome here.

Wow, a pop culture news site is writing about a big pop culture news story?

Saying bigoted shit on stage is bad. It’s not complicated. No fan fiction you write is going to scare people into not criticizing bigoted shit, so save it.

Lol, it has a 43% on Rotten Tomatoes. Go read about selection bias if you think the audience score means anything.

Go read about Birth of a Nation, then get back to us. The adults are talking.

He said a bunch of shitty bigoted stuff about trans people in his last specials, everyone criticized him for it, so he doubled-down and said ever more bigoted stuff about trans people in this special.

Saying that I’m a fairly liberal individual should be an unnecessary preamble to my post, but since I’ll be attacked by the thought police and liberal warriors that apparently dominate this site, both on staff and in the comment sections, I think it’s necessary in this instance.


Yes, Coachella isn’t a vital service and if you don’t want to be safe just fucking miss it.


I don’t know what Klan art you’ve been watching but speak for yourself.

The difference is, Dave knew what he was talking about with that subject so he was able to do it in a smarter way and not bumble into something genuinely hateful and wrong.

...yes? Do you also support the people becoming neo-Nazis because someone was mean to them online?

Get fucked, “anyone who disagrees with me couldn’t have possibly have watched the special!” isn’t a rational adult argument. It’s whiny narcissism using polite words.

You’re wrong, but thanks for standing up for a hateful bigot who said he’s a hateful bigot.

Protected from the Government...

Lol, ok Canada is an oppressive theocratic regime. I guess that’s what we’re going with.

Not the same thing and you know it, stop lying.

Fuck off, bigot.