
This is still interesting, I have no real idea what it’s doing exactly but the sit-com/real-world device is still compelling. Hopefully this is leading somewhere satisfying.


Cool, good job insulting people for saying the truth. It’s MUCH more helpful if we can’t even say Fox News is bad without having to waste time on some jerk concern trolling. Thanks for your valuable contribution to the cause.

Jesus Christ you’re tedious. Do we really have to go through the motions of explaining this to you a thousandth time?

Nah, fuck off, you don’t complain about the existence of straight characters in movies. You can just say you’re a shitty hateful bigot, this isn’t convincing anyone.

It’s finally because this is the first real non-straight character in a franchise of dozens of movies and TV shows.

Sure, why wouldn’t they.

That’s a weird reason to lose your enthusiasm for a show.

That sounds like your own weird fantasy than the requirements of a bad guy.

There’s something wrong that you need this movie to be disliked this badly. It’s a good movie, it’s successful and well liked. Not everything you don’t enjoy has to be hated by everyone, you weird narcissist.

And also it’s Star Wars. None of its space-flight technology has ever been realistic in any way.

I have no idea what movies you’ve been watching if you think a WW2 bombing run sequence doesn’t make sense in a series based on old WW2 serials. Going back to first principals and doing a WW2 sequence is the best thing the movie could have done. Seems like people just want a list of preexisting lore from Wookieepedia

Mostly the people in charge of the third one.

That’s why TLJ is the best new one.

Try watching the movie next time.

Yes it did and no it didn’t.

This magic space wizard serial can’t be slightly silly!!!

They started out fine, they just shouldn’t have let JJ do the last one. I don’t think he’s ever actually had to end an ongoing story before and he sucks at it.

(I don’t know what’s worse - space B-17 bombers, Mary Poppins Organa, or the idea that if a starship runs out of gas it will slow down and stop in the vacuum of space)

Counter argument: fuck off.