
They posted that a celebrity was in a weird white-supremacist ball when she was young. You know we can still go read the article and see that you’re lying, right? Is there a job opportunity Ellie Kemper lost over this that you’re mad about, or are you just making shit up like you’re accusing other people of?

Yeah, it’s not like America has the highest percentage of it’s population in jail of any country on the entire planet or anything! No gulags, just concentration camps and prisons!

Wow, yeah that’s messed up. This is just illegal radio station payola but fully in the open.

I miss when she was just fun “kooky artist” crazy and not “union-busting capitalism superfan” crazy.

This sounds more like a cry for help than a movie.

They’re still going with this title, huh? Just an angry reference to a dumb recent sitcom no one really even remembers, that’s what you’re going to call your show.

It looks like something out of Sorry to Bother You. A much better movie, I’m sure.

Ok, bootlicker.

I’m just glad Blizzard isn’t alive to see this.

It’s a badly written article AND people whining about virtue signaling leftists aren’t welcome here.

Fuck off with your shitty hard-right buzzwords. I’m sure Breitbart has a media section where you won’t hear from any scary leftists.

She’s said some dumb stuff but she is a great actor.

Hopefully the writing for Drax improves so he doesn’t spend another movie shout-laughing at other people’s pain and telling women how ugly they are.

I mean, no.

Dude, they let you make Verotika. Clearly you can still just make whatever bullshit you want and no one is actually stopping you.

White Magic White Magi White Mag Whitema Whitem White Mag Ic

If you don’t want your kids to watch it, may I suggest not letting your kids watch it?

...Racist stereotypes are true, so it’s not racist? Fuck off.

Shit, I better tell James Gunn his career is over then. Funny, it seemed like it was going good but you know better, weird obsessive bigot.

Yes, all the time. You’re simply lying.