
You sure hate people who write for pop culture websites for someone hanging out on a pop culture website. Maybe you should just fuck off?

There are lots of funny shows without terrible political messages...

People who identify as libertarian and think of themselves as libertarian support Republicans. “They aren’t REALLY libertarians according to my definitions”, who gives a shit?

Violent video games aren’t pushing a specific violent political agenda. This is a bad comparison.

Uh, you know not all libertarians in America vote for the Libertarian party, right? Most of them vote Republican.

This show about pretend children is making real political arguments. Crazy, I know. Metaphor and all that.

No thanks.

So this remake cuts out the humor and the striking visuals, stretches out the fast pace, and simplifies the heroic but also monstrous and scary Jessica Hyde to a one-note badass.

The crime is making bad art, and we have the right to say that because this is a forum specifically about discussing the quality of art.

It’s extremely edgy to be worried about other people enjoying children’s books as an adult.

When I was a kid 20+ years ago we were finding out what a shit Orson Scott Card is, this isn’t anything new.

Thanks for letting us know you hate some shows you haven’t seen, I guess.

I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy a movie.

You really have a weird grudge against this movie, dude. I’m sorry you don’t like a good movie, it happens all the time. I don’t like lots of good movies.

“It’s a critically beloved, 11th highest grossing movie in history, but actually no one likes it because some Twitter trolls are mad”

Johnson writing a script that killed the main villain and weakened the secondary villains. THAT was the killer for IX and I bet that was what Trevorrow and Jack Thorne struggled with.

He might actually be personally responsible for this mess.

So “all politicians are awful” is a pretty glib, misleading thing to say in these circumstances.

He also stupidly sabotaged Trump’s opposition just before the election, let’s not throw him a parade or anything. He might actually be personally responsible for this mess.

Jesus, that’s like the end of Tarkovsky’s Nostalgia.