Seriously, no one who supports Trump is a Christian in any meaningful sense.
Seriously, no one who supports Trump is a Christian in any meaningful sense.
I mean, the amount the UK has fucked things up for itself it’s hard to blame anyone for being cranky.
Now he just has to hope they start hosting stolen revenge porn and refuse to take it down.
There’s nothing evangelicals hate more than someone suggesting they pay attention to the teachings of Jesus.
More of a Rifftrax movie anyway.
Appropriately also staring Orlando Jones.
Season 3 is a little late to start trying to be a direct adaptation of the book. I think that ship has sailed.
This seems to happen to Brian Fuller so often that I’m starting to think that he’s the cause of it.
So, you were wrong in other words. You predicted everyone would hate it and it’s still generally very well regarded. Are you so insecure that you can’t just hate something without pretending to have the secret support of the masses to justify it?
Still feeling confident that everyone’s going to hate it once it’s over?
Yeah, Reamde is a great globe-trotting action movie waiting to be made. I’d love to see that amazing action scene in the Chinese apartment building on screen. It goes on for like 100 pages and involves about 10 different characters all running around trying to accomplish different things.
Snow Crash is half parody anyway. It works because it totally knows its telling a silly, over the top tall-tale.
What does that have to do with being a star?
Because he has a specific and recognizable authorial voice.
Flat out lying as part of a sustained attempt to discredit any laws protecting woman against rape isn’t enough evidence for you? Take you’re sea-lioning ass somewhere else.
Yes, the review specifically mentions a couple ways that Megyn Kelly supported sexual harassment. This is someone who worked at the bigotry factory then was shocked to discover that she’s not immune to the misogyny she pushes.
It’s for the people of the land. The common clay of America. You know… morons.
Yes, the legal system should definitely work on the “two wrongs make a right” principal.
The Republicans were explicitly sabotaging Obama at literally every chance. Obama was disappointing in a lot of ways, but the party fighting tooth and nail to stop him from doing anything has no fucking right to complain that he didn’t do enough. Jesus.
So just absolutely life changing for anyone poor and hugely helpful for everyone middle-class.